

Monday, March 28, 2011

Planning a Holiday in the UAE ? Australian Woman GANG Raped by Hotel staff in United Arab Emirates,Le Meridien Al Aqah Beach Resort.

Drugged, raped, then jailed for 'adultery'


Dan Nancarrow
March 28, 2011 - 5:55PM

28 3 2011 Alicia Gali A Brisbane woman is suing a luxury United Arab Emirates resort after she was jailed for adultery when she complained of being drugged and

raped by three men.

Alicia Gali was sentenced to 12 months in prison after an assault by three co-workers while drinking at the Le Meridien Al Aqah Beach Resort

staff bar in Fujairah, UAE in June 2008.

After reporting the incident to police, Ms Gali was jailed for adultery and served eight months before being pardoned in March 2009 and

returning to Australia.

At a hearing in Brisbane Supreme Court on Friday, Maurice Blackburn lawyers were granted leave to sue the hotel, alleging Ms Gali's

employer breached its workplace obligations by failing to have systems in place to protect their workers against assault.

Maurice Blackburn claims the hotel encouraged staff to drink alcohol in the staff bar without a permit, creating an environment where it was

easy for a drink to be spiked.

In the UAE it is illegal to have sex outside of marriage.


28 3 2011 Le Meridien Al Aqah Beach Resort”paradise on earth” aka. “Muslim Gang Rapist’s Paradise” The Le Meridien Al Aqah Beach Resort.

One basis for the firm taking action in Australia is that Alicia took a contract with the company while she was in Queensland.

"Alicia's employer has let her down in the most terrible, terrible of ways," Maurice Blackburn associate Melissa Payne said.

"A company like this should know better.

"There are many things they could have done and should have done to protect Alicia.

"These include having segregated secure quarters for its female employees and providing adequate induction and training as to the local

laws and customs for its foreign employees.

"This resort promotes itself as 'paradise on earth' but it certainly wasn't paradise for Alicia."

According to Ms Payne, Ms Gali has suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder, anxiety, depression, claustrophobia and nightmares as a

result of the incident and her eventual imprisonment.

In a statement, Ms Gali said she wanted to warn other women about the danger of working in countries where laws were "archaic."

"I still feel angry and upset and it's distressing because I was a victim in all of this and I was punished – the laws have to change to protect

women and give them rights and the Australian government should use its influence to push for changes to laws," the statement read.

"The UAE is being promoted hugely here as a tourism destination.

"They are not complying with human rights, women's rights and migrant workers' rights."

Ms Gali said she thought she would feel safe and protected in the employ of an international hotel group but believes she was not given the

correct advice and no one from the company helped her when she was charged and imprisoned.

She stated she did not want the incident to be manipulated into an anti-Muslim or anti-Arab attack.

"The men involved were foreign nationals, they were not from the Middle East.

"Two were from India and one from Mauritius."

Maurice Blackburn believes the three men were imprisoned as a result of the assault.

The firm will be drawing on human rights and labour law experts as well as UAE legal experts as part of their case.

The parent company of Le Meridien, Starwood Hotels, has been contacted for comment.


“Ms Gali said she wanted to warn other women about the danger of working in countries where laws were "archaic." Careful Alicia, you might find yourself up on charges of Racism here in Australia if you keep making statements like that . Interesting to see what Australia’s affirmative action appointee in chief,and Emilys List Super Star, Australia’s PM Madam JuLIAR Gillard will do about yet another glaring contradiction to her and her fellow Marxist’s mantra of all cultures and Religions are equal.

No doubt Madame JuLIAR and the rest of Labor’s Marxist Feminist Sisterhood, will enlist their Multicultural propagandists to SPIN and assure us that only a relative small minority of Australian women are charged with adultery and jailed after been Gang Raped in Islamic countries or “paradise on earth” and that to suggest otherwise indicates a racist motive.

Next time anyone reading this story is planning to travel , especially Australians don’t fall for the temptation of cheap airfares by these these arsehole Arab airlines, remember they get their fuel for free, pay the extra knowing that you are keeping Australian air and support crew employed.

As for holidaying in these Gold and Diamond encrusted Middle Eastern shit holes, you gotta be hard up haven’t you?

I have friends who, last year were arrested at 10 am in the morning, a husband and wife, walking along a major public street, both arrested and taken into custody and interrogated for 5 hours all because his wife was carrying a digital camera in her hand.

Only ten years ago the standard M.O of the UAE’s “finest” was to invite unsuspecting “western sluts” ie. western Nurses to parties thrown by the rich movers and shakers of the UAE,niaeve, western women thinking they might meet some rich man of their dreams, upon entry would suddenly realise what the party was all about, a night sometimes days of drugs, alcohol and gang rape by the UAE’s finest.

After the party was over they were reminded of the laws concerning unwedded sex and sent on their way. Oh Pious Islam, is there no cesspool you will not provide for your followers to swim in? 

Forget the Glitz and the Left wing apologist SPIN and Media advertising campaigns that want you to believe that the United Arab Emirates is a safe place to holiday, unfortunately,Godless savages commit Gang Rapes all over the world, only in the Islamic “Paradise on Earth” are the victims JAILED for adultery after been GANG RAPED.

If you have a wife or a Daughter, Boycott Emirates Airlines,Boycott Emirates Holidays,better still  take no chances at all and simply

Boycott Islam


Why Jailing Gang Rape victims is OK in Islamic countries

The Problem is ISLAM


It’s time again for me to lay down in writing a simple, obvious truth that everyone else is just too terrified to state. This is another one of

those essays that will serve to permanently disqualify me from any vocation except self-employment for the duration of my life. So hold on

to your pantyhose and put out the cat, because you know this is going to be a good read.

The issue is the muslim world. Libya. Was it right for Obama to FINALLY make a decision and move our military assets into the Libyan

theater? Should we be intervening in Yemen? Should we lend tangible support to the Iranian opposition? What should have been done

differently in Egypt? Was Mubarak better than a “democratically” installed Sharia theocracy? What are we supposed to be doing in all of this?

Who are we supposed to be rooting for? There has to be a “right answer”, and there has to be a correct course of action in all of this.

The reason why no one can come to anything that remotely approaches a definitive “right answer” to this problem is because no one has the

balls to acknowledge what the problem is. The problem is not a lack of democracy. As we are clearly seeing now, and as history repeatedly

confirms, the most evil political systems ever seen on earth have ascended to power with the support of more than 50% of the populace.

Therefore, democracy, or any form of representative government can not, in and of itself, be the “right answer”. The only way we are ever

going to arrive at the right answer is if we first ask and honestly answer the following question: What exactly is the problem?

The problem is islam.

ashura.2009.bigIslam means peaceburkas-1-2

Let me say that again so that there is absolutely no confusion. The problem is islam. So long as islam exists on earth, there will be no

peace, and there will be no freedom for those trapped inside of it. So long as islam exists, it will continue to stir up violence, aggression,

war, terrorism, instability, injustice, human slavery, hopelessness, suffering, despair and unnatural, needless death. Why? BECAUSE THAT

IS WHAT IT WAS DESIGNED TO DO. All of those qualities are intrinsic, constitutive qualities of islam. It is a satanic system that was

specifically created to be the Enemy’s response to Christ.

Mohammed did not hear a voice which he transcribed and called “the koran”. He simply sat down and wrote out a political manifesto –

claiming in fully calculated deceit that it was divine - that would enable him to raise an army. There was nothing miraculous about the origin

of islam in that sense. One of the obvious confirmations of this is the quality of the prose itself. If “allah” actually wrote the koran and

mohammed merely transcribed it, then allah is an idiot with exceptionally poor language and composition skills. The koran reads as if it

were written by a mentally deranged, barely literate Bedouin pedophile pirate con-artist . . . because it was. BUT, the system itself and the

spirit of inspiration behind it is completely satanic. Islam and the koran are completely satanic in the same sense that Marxism and “The

Communist Manifesto” are satanic, and in the same sense that Nazism and “Mein Kampf” are satanic. Oh, yes. The Serpent is subtle. Satan

does his best work when he is merely “whispering” subconscious inspiration to fallen men. Given that islam has persisted for 1400 years and

now enslaves a quarter of the human population, it is clearly satan’s masterpiece.

Given this reality, there are exactly two tactical options for the civilized world to choose from.

1. Completely isolate the muslim world. Let them have their caliphate but in a state of total quarantine.
This would involve establishing massive physical perimeter barriers on land and maintaining blockades at sea for all muslim territories.

Presumably this would stretch from Morocco to Indonesia, and would be massively expensive both to construct and secure. In addition to

this, all muslims would have to be expelled from all civilized nations and forcibly returned to muslim territory. In order for this to work, all

civilized nations on earth would have to unite in solidarity against islam and cooperate fully and completely in building, maintaining and

securing the borders.

Additionally, the quarantine would have to be TOTAL, meaning absolutely no interaction – including economic interaction. Therefore, before

this strategy could be undertaken, the civilized world would need to completely free itself of any dependence on oil pumped from muslim


Further, this strategy, while appearing to be the most “non-violent” option is actually the most violent, and would be a de facto death

sentence, both physically and spiritually, for every person trapped inside the caliphate. Assuming that the perimeter could be constructed

and then sealed, the muslim culture would necessarily begin to murder and consume itself. Remember, islam is violence, aggression, war,

terrorism, instability, injustice, human slavery, hopelessness, suffering, despair and unnatural, needless death. If muslims aren’t in a

position to kill “infidels”, they will simply turn on each other. This is already a proven fact, and has been for 1400 years. Sunni and Shia

muslims have been at each other’s throats all along, and still are today. Only in very rare instances, such as the wars of aggression begun by

muslims called “the Crusades”, wherein muslim unity was needed to fight the “infidels”, has there been any real muslim unity. Because

islam has no central authority or magesterium, unlike Christianity which was specifically established by Christ Himself with a divinely

protected structure of authority and infallible teaching charism, islam allows for every single self-ordained “imam” to be his own “pope”

who can then alter, decide and concoct “doctrine”, and to also issue “fatwas” against any competing cleric, or entire groups of people.

Islam has been specifically designed to discourage unity, thus always fomenting and encouraging conflicts and wars within the caliphate


Next, islam is incapable of supporting a vibrant economy. Islam teaches that all human endeavors and productivity are contrary to the will of

allah. Any person who spends any time or effort doing anything except studying the koran and praying to allah is an infidel. Additionally,

islam teaches that the only way that a person can be GUARANTEED of “salvation” or “paradise” is to die in jihad. Therefore, muslims will

ALWAYS be in a state of war against someone, including other muslims, because if there were total peace, there would be no means to

achieve “salvation” according to muslim teaching.

Finally, the quarantine option would be a failure in charity on the part of Christendom. By quarantining these people, we would be giving up

on them, which is the opposite of charity, or love. Quarantined muslims would have absolutely no chance or hope of hearing the Gospel, and

would have no hope of ever escaping the cult of islam. While this option might serve to help keep our hands physically clean, we would have

the spiritual stain of our failure in charity to answer for upon our judgement

Murni Amris, an Acehnese woman, is caned as part of her sentence in the courtyard of a mosque in Aceh Besar district, Indonesia's Aceh province October 1, 2010islam_taleban_beat_women 

abused_mulsim_women_3 abused_mulsim_women_029 abused_mulsim_women_2



This brings us to option #2, which is actually the more viable and certainly the more loving and charitable option.
2. Fight a Final Crusade and exterminate islam from the face of the earth once and for all.

Yep. I said it, and I mean it. This option isn’t really an “option” at all, because this is where we are heading whether we like it or not. There

is going to be a massive, final war between islam and the civilized world at some point. The only real question is, how long are we going to

stall it off? A week? A month? A year? A decade? A century? Some would argue that the Final Crusade actually began on 9/11, and that we

have been fighting minor skirmishes ever since. Perhaps. If that is the case, the civilized world clearly does not understand that it is in a

fight for its very survival. There isn’t room enough in this world for both human civilization AND islam. One side is going to be destroyed by

the other. If islam wins, then humanity will be dead as well, because it will be just a matter of time before islam consumes itself, as

outlined above. If civilization wins, humanity will continue, knowledge and technology will increase, there will be joy and laughter and

goodness, and human beings will be free to seek and find God. In this way, islam is exactly like cancer. Either a person destroys the cancer

within them and survives, or the cancer wins and both the person AND the cancer die. Given that the civilized world still doesn’t understand

what is going on, I don’t think it is fair to say that the Final Crusade has begun. It will begin when we comprehend that it is us or them – kill

or be killed. Let’s do a quick exercise in linguistics which will prove that extermination of the islamic political system is the only real,

practical and charitable option that we have.

Consider the following statement:

The Nazi Party, its philosophy and goal set was evil and had to be stopped. There is no room for the Nazi philosophy in a civilized world, and

thus the only acceptable outcome of World War II was the total extermination of the Nazi Party. While the main objective of fighting World

War II was to repel and then exterminate the Nazi scourge from overrun nations, the secondary objective was also to liberate the German

people themselves from the bonds of the totalitarian Nazi regime.

Now, let’s look at the same statement, but replace “Nazi” with “muslim”:
Islam, its philosophy and goal set is evil and has to be stopped. There is no room for the muslim philosophy in a civilized world, and thus the

only acceptable outcome of the Final Crusade is the total extermination of islam. While the main objective of fighting the Final Crusade is

to repel and then exterminate the muslim scourge from overrun nations, the secondary objective is also to liberate the currently-muslim

people themselves from the bonds of the totalitarian muslim caliphate.

al-Husayni-Bosnian-SS  palestiniannazisalute01 hitler 


The two statements are pluperfect analogues because Nazism and islam are pluperfect analogues. Both are TOTALITARIAN POLITICAL

SYSTEMS. The only tactical difference is that mohammed used the beard of religion and claimed divine inspiration right out of the gate.

This has allowed islam to use civilization’s own freedom of religious conscience principle against it. Hitler was indeed trying to slowly create

a new pagan religion, with the German/Aryan nation cast as “the father”, Hitler himself cast as “the son” and the “messiah”, and the Nazi

Party as “the holy spirit”, but was never far enough along in that process to be able to wield the accusation of “intolerance”. To illustrate

this point, let’s reverse our linguistic example:

Islam is a religion and thus is equal to all other religions. Islam is protected under the First Amendment, and all civilized people must fight

to defend a person’s right to practice islam completely unencumbered. Islam seeks only peace through the voluntary application of Sharia

law. Just because some muslims have used violence as a way of advancing their cause does not mean that all muslims are violent. Violence

is a perversion of true Islamic philosophy. Most muslims are peace-loving, and we should support and embrace them into our culture.
Now, the same statement, but replacing “muslim” with “Nazi”.

Nazism is a religion and thus is equal to all other religions. Nazism is protected under the First Amendment, and all civilized people must

fight to defend a person’s right to practice Nazism completely unencumbered. Nazism seeks only peace through the voluntary application of

the laws of the Third Reich. Just because some Nazis have used violence as a way of advancing their cause does not mean that all Nazis are

violent. Violence is a perversion of true Nazi philosophy. Most Nazis are peace-loving, and we should support and embrace them in our


Have I made my point?
(Aside: How long do you think it will take some leftist to pull that last paragraph, put my name over it as the author, and then claim that

they have proof that I am a Nazi? That’s how these sad, pathetic people roll. It WILL happen. It’s just a matter of how long it takes them to

do it. C’est la vie.)

We don’t flinch at the reality of Nazism, nor at the necessity to exterminate it from the face of the earth, because we accurately call it what

it is: a totalitarian political system. But because we have been brainwashed and conditioned by the left to self-loathe our own

Judeo-Christian culture, reject critical thinking, and embrace islam as a constitutionally-protected religion, we refuse to acknowledge the

plain, simple fact there will be no peace unless and until islam is exterminated from the face of the earth. We keep telling ourselves that

“democracy” is the answer and that if we just facilitate voting in muslim countries, everything will be fine, and the entire world will be

enveloped in peace, rainbows, gumdrops and unicorn farts. Because all “religions” are good and equal, and anyone who says different is a

bigot and an intolerant hater.

There is going to be a war. A big one. Probably the biggest ever. But it has to be fought, because the stakes are no less than the fate of the

entire human race. The problem is islam. There is no such thing as a "healthy muslim society" because islam is a cancer upon human

civilization. The solution is nothing less than the complete extermination of the muslim political system in order to save the people inside of

it. If you have a cancerous tumor, you cut it out - you don't try to fix the person while simultaneously protecting the tumor. We have done

this before. We did this just seventy short years ago. We CAN do it again. All we need is the courage to face the truth, and the fortitude to

do what we know we must.

Thanks to Teri for the above

Australia: JuLIAR Gillards Green HOAX go to man Tim / Flim Flannery puts his foot in it again.

Carbon tax is fatal political poison

Tim Blair
The Daily Telegraph
March 28, 2011
AN oldtimer filmed at a recent rally in favour of a carbon tax made the standard appeal to emotion. "I'm concerned," she said, "about the kind of world we're going to leave my grandchildren."
Another rally granny at the Melbourne event organised "spontaneously" by the offered a similar view: "I've got a new grandchild, two weeks old, and I think it's really important that the world is made safe for him."

Well, tough luck, ladies. Last week Tim Flannery, Australia's Chief Climate Commissioner, told The Daily Telegraph's Andrew Bolt in a radio interview: "If we cut emissions today, global temperatures are not likely to drop for about a thousand years."
A thousand years.

Andrew Bolt and JuLIAR’s CO2 Tax SCAM  go to man,Tim (Flim) Flannery

And Flannery wasn't just talking about Australia's minuscule proposed emissions cuts. He was referring to cuts made across the globe. If Flannery keeps coming up with lines like this, he's worth every cent of the $720,000 we're paying him over the next four years to tell us why we'll be better off with a carbon tax.

Forget saving your grandchildren, eco-biddies. According to Flannery, the world won't be safer until your grandchildren's grandchildren's grandchildren's grandchildren's grandchildren's grandchildren's grandchildren's grandchildren's grandchildren's grandchildren's grandchildren's grandchildren's grandchildren's grandchildren's grandchildren's grandchildren's grandchildren's grandchildren's grandchildren's grandchildren's grandchildren's grandchildren's grandchildren's grandchildren's grandchildren's grandchildren's grandchildren's grandchildren's grandchildren are on the scene.

Julia Gillard can't be happy with the value she's getting from palaeontologist Flannery. Perhaps she should take up one online suggestion and revise his pay schedule; say, down to $720 per year until 3011. That way there would at least be some connection between reward and results. As it stands, Professor Dinosaur Bones is cashing in on a temperature drop we won't see until the next NSW Labor government.
Maybe by then we'll have a Greens representative in the Lower House. Two of them were expected to easily win seats on Saturday, but both Marrickville and Balmain are now likely to be decided on postal votes. There's still a chance Fiona Byrne and Jamie Parker could claim victory, but the anticipated Greensweep never materialised.

Labor voters went to the Liberals instead, even in Balmain, of all places, where Liberal James Falk found himself unexpectedly leading on primaries as counting ended on Saturday night. "Will have to move away from Balmain electorate in disgust," fumed one angry Greens voter on Twitter. "And I was so proud of us too, it was a sure thing."
There's only one sure thing in Australian politics, besides Bob Brown's election night speeches about the brilliant Greens result, and it was revealed again on the weekend.
Climate change might not stabilise until 40 generations from now, but it's already a consistent political killer.
It wouldn't have helped Labor at state level that Gillard launched her uncosted, undetailed, un-anything carbon tax plan during the NSW election campaign. Nor would the Greens already handicapped by two awesomely charmless candidates have been assisted by incoming premier Barry O'Farrell's campaign focus on the planned tax.

Two federal leaders, Kevin Rudd and Malcolm Turnbull, were removed within six months of each other because of popularity plunges associated with climate advocacy. Gillard would have joined them after last year's election if she'd told the truth about her carbon tax scheme. Now we've even got Balmain voting for a state party that opposes carbon pricing. Liberal staffers claim the issue was a "flashpoint" in many Labor electorates.
The message will sink in one day. Outside of certain small political and journalistic cultures, climate change is worse than a non-issue. It's an issue disputed and rejected.
Australians are now broadly aware that we only contribute 1.4 per cent of the planet's alleged warming gases and they don't see why we should have to sacrifice our wages to make a difference when no difference can be made.

Sooner or later, somewhere in the world a mainstream political party possibly from the left is going to say: "Hey, we went along with all of that global warming stuff for a few years. We were scared we'd lose votes if we didn't. But now we realise no policies we devise can make any significant impact. From now on, environmental spending will be limited to the the environment people live in. Here are all your taxes back. Sorry."
On current trends, such a policy would probably do rather well. They could even quote Tim Flannery "if we cut emissions today, global temperatures are not likely to drop for about a thousand years" in support of it.
Meanwhile, we have to put up with Gillard's apocalyptic fear campaign. As The Australian reports, Gillard has sent out scripted lines Labor MPs can use to spook people into backing the carbon tax. "If we don't act," runs the script, "then we will see more extreme weather events like bushfires and droughts. We will have more days of extreme heat and we will see our coastline flooded as sea levels rise."

The document continues: "Sea levels could rise by up to a metre and possibly even more by the end of the century. Up to 250,000 existing homes are at risk of inundation." And if you're not already incinerated or starved or drowned, there's also problems with skiing: "Climate change will see the average snow season contract by between 85 per cent and 96 per cent by 2050."
Imagine Labor candidates trying these lines in hard-working electorates. Picture a fellow playing with his four-year-old daughter when the doorbell rings. It's an earnest Laborite come to warn about climate change. By the time he's halfway through his pitch ... talking about all the pets catching fire, or grandma getting tsunamied the little girl is almost in tears.
Her father hasn't spoken for some time. He's listening to the man frightening his daughter.
Eventually he quietly tells the girl to go and see her mother. Daddy wants to talk to the scary man in private.
Picture what happens next. Hint: he doesn't volunteer to hand out Labor how-to-vote cards. Not in a thousand years.