

Friday, June 13, 2014

Up Date Australia :Home grown Muslim LOON,Musa Cerantonio, cheers on fellow Savages in Iraq.

AFP after ISIS-supporting sheik Musa Cerantonio

Paul Maley
National Security Correspondent 
The Australian
June 14 2014

The Australian Federal Police is preparing to move against one of the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham’s most influential supporters, radical Australian sheik Musa Cerantonio.

As militants from the al-Qa’ida offshoot continue to pour into northern Iraq, The Weekend Australian can reveal that the AFP has launched a formal investigation into the Melbourne-born Islamic convert, considered one of ISIS’s most influential propagandists.

It is understood the AFP is preparing to approach authorities in The Philippines — where Cerantonio is believed to be living — and is likely to issue an arrest warrant for him.

The warrant is expected to cover alleged offences committed under the Foreign Incursions Act.

The AFP declined to comment, saying it did not discuss current investigations. However, since the civil war in Syria began three years ago, Cerantonio has emerged as one of ISIS’s most strident and influential backers.

A study conducted earlier this year by the International Centre for the Study of Radicalisation named the former Catholic as one of three most influential online preachers.

The study, which examined the social-media diets of foreign fighters in Syria, concluded that one in four foreign fighters followed Cerantonio’s Twitter account and that his Facebook page was the third-most ‘’liked’’ page among ­jihadists.

Cerantonio has been outspoken in his support for ISIS on that page and his more inflammatory postings are likely to form part of the police case against him.

In a Facebook post in December, the 29-year-old called for the assassination of Western leaders.

“If we see that Muslims are being killed by the tyrant leaders of the USA then we must first stop them with our hands (that is, by force),’’ Cerantonio said.

“This means that we should stop them by fighting them, by assassinating their oppressive leaders, by weakening their offen­sive capabilities, etc.”

ISIS, along with Jabhat al-Nusra, al Qa’ida’s recognised affil­iate in Syria, has attracted the bulk of Australians believed to be fighting in Syria, a number authorities estimate at about the 150 mark.

Like al-Nusra, ISIS is a banned terror group here. I t was disaffiliated by al-Qa’ida this year due to the extreme brutality of its tactics.

Cerantonio is one of a number of Australian radicals whose star has risen as a result of the Syrian conflict. Another is Sydney sheik Abu Sulayman, one of Jabhat al-Nusra’s most senior officials.

Like Cerantonio, Sulayman is active on social media and is considered by authorities to be a key propagandist for the Syrian cause.

The head of the al-Risalah Islamic Centre in Sydney, where both Sulayman and Cerantonio have lectured, Wissam Haddad, said Muslims were rejoicing at ISIS’s stunning gains. “There’s a feeling of joy,’’ Mr Haddad told The Weekend Australian.

Catch Up: The Bolt Report June 8 2014,Palmer United Party and the LOONS who will rule Australia for the next six years

“The danger to Australia is not Clive Palmer but a citizenry capable of entrusting a man like him with the control of the Australian senate. It will be far easier to limit and undo the follies of a Palmer controlled senate than to restore the necessary common sense and good judgment to a depraved electorate willing to have such a man and his fellow senate team control their senate and the legislation that comes before it.

The problem is much deeper and far more serious than Clive Palmer and his Palmer United senate team, who are merely symptoms of what ails Australia. 
Blaming the prince of the fools should not blind anyone to the vast confederacy of fools that made him their Prince.

Our great nation,Australia can survive a Clive Palmer and his Senators,the Greens and various other Loons elected to the Australian senate from time to time, after all they are merely fools.
Australia is less likely to survive a multitude of fools such as those who made them their senators.” 
Adapted from anon,by ANV. to suit Australia's present political situation.

Addiction made my life hell, says Palmer United Party senator-elect Jacqui Lambie