An American, Australian ,Israeli, British "Judeo Christian Friendly " blog.


Warning to all Muslims the world over seeking asylum and protection from the manifestations of their faith.
Do not under any circumstances come to Australia, for we are a Nation founded upon Judeo Christian Law and principles and as such Australia is an anathema to any follower of the Paedophile Slave Trader Mohammad's cult of Islam.
There is no ideology more hated and despised in Australia than Islam.You simply would not like it here.
Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.
Voltaire French author, humanist, rationalist, & satirist (1694 - 1778)
Those who demand you believe that Islam is a Religion of Peace also demand you believe in Anthropogenic Global Warming.
Aussie News & Views Jan 1 2009
"But Communism is the god of discontent, and needs no blessing. All it needs is a heart willing to hate, willing to call envy “justice."
Equality then means the violent destruction of all social and cultural distinctions. Freedom means absolute dictatorship over the people."
Take Hope from the Heart of Man and you make him a Beast of Prey
“ If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without bloodshed; if you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival.
“There may be even a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than live as slaves”
Winston Churchill. Pg.310 “The Hell Makers” John C. Grover ISBN # 0 7316 1918 8
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------If language is not correct, then what is said is not what is meant; if what is said is not what is meant, then what must be done remains undone; if this remains undone, morals and art will deteriorate; if justice goes astray, the people will stand about in helpless confusion. Hence there must be no arbitrariness in what is said.
This matters above everything.
'a socialist is communist without the courage of conviction to say what he really is'.
Hontar: We must work in the world, your eminence. The world is thus.
Altamirano: No, Señor Hontar. Thus have we made the world... thus have I made it.
Voltaire said: “If you want to know who rules over you, just find out who you are not permitted to criticize.”

--------Check this out, what an Bum WOW!!!!

When those sworn to destroy you,Communism, Socialism,"Change you can Believe in" via their rabid salivating Mongrel Dog,Islam,take away your humanity, your God given Sanctity of Life, Created in His Image , If you are lucky this prayer is maybe all you have left, If you believe in God and his Son,Jesus Christ, then you are, despite the evils that may befall you are better off than most.

Lord, I come before You with a heavy heart. I feel so much and yet sometimes I feel nothing at all. I don't know where to turn, who to talk to, or how to deal with the things going on in my life. You see everything, Lord. You know everything, Lord. Yet when I seek you it is so hard to feel You here with me. Lord, help me through this. I don't see any other way to get out of this. There is no light at the end of my tunnel, yet everyone says You can show it to me. Lord, help me find that light. Let it be Your light. Give me someone to help. Let me feel You with me. Lord, let me see what You provide and see an alternative to taking my life. Let me feel Your blessings and comfort. Amen.
"The chief weapon in the quiver of all Islamist expansionist movements, is the absolute necessity to keep victims largely unaware of the actual theology plotting their demise. To complete this deception, a large body of ‘moderates’ continue to spew such ridiculous claims as “Islam means Peace” thereby keeping non-Muslims from actually reading the Qur’an, the Sira, the Hadith, or actually looking into the past 1400 years of history. Islamists also deny or dismiss the concept of ‘abrogation’, which is the universal intra-Islamic method of replacing slightly more tolerable aspects of the religion in favor of more violent demands for Muslims to slay and subdue infidels"


Anthropogenic Global Warming SCAM

Showing posts with label Australian Labor Party. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Australian Labor Party. Show all posts

Friday, November 23, 2012

Australian Politics: Madame Gillard returns from Thailand gabfest to AWU SCAM allegations

PM faces new claims over union past

Steve Lewis - National Political Correspondent
November 22, 20128:50PM

PRIME Minister Julia Gillard knew about a $150,000 Slater and Gordon mortgage for a property used by union fraudster Bruce Wilson more than two years before the date she admitted to knowing about it in an interview with the firm's management, a former senior partner claims.

In the latest revelation in the Australian Workers Union scandal, Nick Styant-Browne also revealed there was "deep disquiet" among S&G's top-tier management about some of Ms Gillard's conduct as a lawyer acting for the AWU.

And pressure on the Prime Minister over her role in the 17-year-old union scandal is expected to intensify today when former AWU official Ralph Blewitt will meet Victorian fraud squad detectives to provide extensive information about the fraud, involving up to $1 million in misappropriated funds.

Ralph Blewitt Ben Fordham discuss Julia Gillard and the AWU SCAM

Alan Jones Michael Smith on Julia Gillard and the ex AWU Official Boyfriend

Mr Styant-Browne, speaking from his US home, told the ABC's 7.30 program that he was speaking out to challenge a "stunningly incomplete account" by Slater and Gordon of Ms Gillard's departure from the law firm in late 1995.

The lawyer released new documents, including previously unseen portions of the transcripts from Ms Gillard's "exit" interview which he suggested challenged comments made by the PM to her former firm.

His claims revolve around a $150,000 mortgage provided by the law firm for the purchase of a Melbourne property in 1993. The Fitzroy property was purchased in the name of Ralph Blewitt, who subsequently signed a Power of Attorney to Mr Wilson. The document was witnessed by Ms Gillard, who was in a romantic relationship with the union fraudster from 1991 to 1995.

According to Mr Styant-Browne, Ms Gillard "claimed in the interview in 1995 that the first she heard about the Slater and Gordon loan for the acquisition of the Kerr Street property was in about August of (1995)".

But he said documents showed there was "no doubt that Ms Gillard knew about the mortgage from Slater and Gordon in March of 1993 (and) was specifically involved in taking steps to facilitate that mortgage".

"That is a matter of documents, it's not a matter of assertion and hearsay," he said.

Last night, the Prime Minister's office said there was "no contradiction" between Ms Gillard's recollection of the mortgage documents and the claims made by Mr Styant-Browne.

"Ms Gillard has no recollection of seeing the correspondence from the Commonwealth Bank dated 23 March 1993," a spokesperson for the PM said.

"Ms Gillard stands by her statements in the Slater and Gordon interview of 11 September 1995 as her best recollection of events two and a half years earlier."

Opposition deputy leader Julie Bishop said Ms Gillard's stance on the AWU scandal was "increasingly untenable" and called on her to make a full statement to parliament next week.

Mr Blewitt is expected to outline key details about his knowledge of the AWU Workplace Reform Association the $400,000 "slush" fund used by Mr Wilson.

Mr Blewitt is also expected to tell fraud squad detectives about Ms Gillard's role in helping to establish the Association and discuss how certain monies from the fund were spent.

Australian Politics: Gillard exposed by AWU SCAM Whistle Blower

Socialist's know they are in trouble when their own publicity / propaganda department, "Their ABC ",  starts  asking "....unauthorised questions"

Steve Price and Andrew Bolt discuss today's events  

Michael Smith News has covered this story from the start, in fact Michael Smith was SACKED from his radio show on the left wing Fairfax owned 2ue, for exposing (".........asking unauthorised questions" ) the PM's involvement in the AWU SCAM.

Latest post from his site are  below.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Ralph Blewitt Ben Fordham discuss Julia Gillard and the AWU SCAM

Madame Gillard when she was  a "young and naive 35 year old"

Alan Jones Michael Smith on Julia Gillard and the ex AWU Official Boyfriend

I hope Ralph Blewitt has 24/7 security and has a food tester, I fear he might have a sudden heart attack or a nasty fall perhaps, or like Madame Gillard's AWU files simply just "go missing"

A new low for the Australian Labor Party:$173.000 per ILLEGAL Muslim asylum seeker as Chemotherapy Patients asked to pay MORE for treatment or die.

Budget cuts hit cancer treatment as key centre warns of closure

Sid Maher, Political Correspondent
The Australian 
November 21, 2012 12:00AM

PRIVATE hospitals are warning of nationwide cutbacks to chemotherapy services - and one of the nation's largest regional cancer treatment centres faces closure - over a decision to slash federal government funding for chemotherapy drugs.

The Australian Private Hospitals Association has warned that the cost of providing treatment to thousands of cancer patients could rise by up to $100 for every chemotherapy infusion as part of the decision, which will save the federal budget $40 million a year.

Why has the Labor / Green / Loon / Independent "Co Party Government" been able to find in excess of $2.5 Billion annually for their  Islamic Colonization of Australia, via their "open borders" asylum seeker policy, but says it cannot continue to fund Cancer Patients Chemotherapy? 
Sure these people are predominantly Australians, and as such, are, in the eyes of this Union / GetUp funded Government, very low on it's list of priorities, however even for the Australian Labor Party this is a new low.  

Australians react to this despicable attack upon our most vunerable citizens via Sydney's #1 morning  radio program hosted by Ray Hadley on Radio 2GB.COM / 873 AM.
With medical facilities unlikely to be able to pass on the increase in prices charged by pharmacists for the drugs, they fear patients could be forced to seek treatment in an overcrowded public system if services in private centres are scaled back.

St Andrew's Toowoomba Hospital in Queensland has warned its 25-chair unit - one of the nation's largest regional centres funded from the federal government's regional cancer care program - would face increased costs of $800,000 to $1m as a result of the decision and would not be viable when the cut took effect on December 1.

Cancer advocates met with federal Health Department officials in Brisbane last week over the issue.

The controversy has been sparked by a Health Department decision to cut by more than 70 per cent the price paid under the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme for Docetaxel - a drug used to treat breast, ovarian, prostate and lung cancer.

The cut was made under the government's price disclosure regime, which factors in discounting in prices charged to pharmacists by drug manufacturers to set the government price.

With the latest decision, the scheme has saved a total of almost $200m since the amount paid under the PBS for a range of chemotherapy drugs was first pared back when the regime was introduced in 2009. Revolts by the medical fraternity helped overturn past attempts to find savings from cutting spending on some chemotherapy drugs.

Opponents of the latest cut argue the decision on Docetaxel takes away the last drug where large margins were paid, eroding the ability of pharmacists to use the profits to cross-subsidise other aspects of chemotherapy treatment. This, they argue, will force higher costs to be passed on to private hospitals or patients.

A coalition of groups concerned about the cut - including the Cancer Council, the Private Cancer Physicians of Australia and anti-cancer advocates canSpeak - warns that a portion of the government's savings need to be reinvested back into the pharmacy sector to prevent increased costs being passed on to cancer patients.

Independent senator Nick Xenophon said he was concerned about the decision and would hold talks with the other independents, including Tony Windsor, and the Greens to have it overturned. "This is the worst form of false economy," Senator Xenophon said.

"What it will do is cost-shift to the public sector . . . and public sector pharmacists say they won't be able to cope. The whole issue with chemotherapy is it's time-critical.

"The patient can't afford to be on a waiting list. It has to be done on the same day."

The Cancer Council has expressed concern that the looming impasse between private providers and the government could have an impact on cancer treatment in regional areas.

Australian Private Hospitals Association chief executive Michael Roff said private hospitals would face cost increases as a result of the decision and even a small reduction of services of 10 per cent would mean 20,000 cancer patients being forced on to the public system.

He said to recoup costs, private hospitals would have to charge patients about $100 extra a treatment. Some patients required several treatments a week.

"In the majority of cases, private hospitals won't be able to pass those on to private patients because our contracts with health funds prevent that," Mr Roff said.

He said the outcome would vary from hospital to hospital depending on how they were supplied. "Some hospitals will be able to continue providing service," he said. "Some have indicated they will limit the types of services that are provided. Some have indicated they are looking at capping the number of treatments they provide to minimise the hospital's financial exposure. And some have indicated that they have no option but to cease providing chemotherapy services altogether."

St Andrew's Toowoomba Hospital chief executive Ray Fairweather said the increased costs that would be passed on to the chemotherapy unit would make the hospital's financial situation untenable.

"It puts us in a very difficult situation whereby we either accept the cut, which is virtually impossible for us to do so, or we consider closing the service, which is the likely scenario."

Mr Fairweather said the facility had opened an upgrade - from 15 chairs to 25 chairs funded through the federal government's regional cancer care incentive - on November 12.

"The paint has only just dried. And now with the federal government announcing this reduction, and the passing on of those costs to the private hospital, we are in a situation where we have to consider very seriously the situation of closing the service virtually from December 1," he said.

The facility provides 7700 patient treatments a year and serves the Toowoomba region as well as western Queensland and northern NSW.

A Health Department spokeswoman said the December 1 price cut for Docetaxel would bring the price the government paid into line with the market price. For many years, pharmacists had been charging the government 20 to 75 per cent above market rates, meaning the government had paid in some instances $2800 above the market price, she said.

She said prices paid by cancer patients for PBS medicines were not affected by the price reduction.

"Pharmacists and hospitals cannot charge patients extra for PBS medicines," the spokeswoman said. "The department is aware that some private hospitals and pharmacists are concerned that Docetaxel price reduction may impact on the viability of providing chemotherapy drugs in some pharmacy settings.

"It is important to recognise that the PBS pays for the cost of the medicine, and the clinical services pharmacists provide in this sector are supported through funding arrangements with the hospitals.

"Therefore, as this relates to pharmacy dispensing remuneration, I have encouraged the (Pharmacy) Guild to provide specific examples to my department of where the current dispensing fee structure may not meet the cost of providing the dispensing service.

"Without this information, the government cannot be drawn on whether pharmacists or hospitals are appropriately funding the services provided to cancer patients."

Ian Roos, the chairman of advocacy group canSpeak, said one of the biggest concerns for patients was cost. "Many have lost their jobs, there is a burden on their family to take time off to travel to get treatment. They do not need this additional worry."

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Union GetUp financed Labor Green Loon Government's Economic Policies Working, Ford sacks another 212 "workers"

Ford sacks more than 212 workers in Vic

By Sarah Malik and Melissa Iaria
Daily Telegraph
November 16, 2012 5:44PM

MORE than 212 Ford workers at the company's Victorian plants have been sacked after a slump in car sales and cuts to production.

The Geelong and Broadmeadows plants were shut for the day on Friday as 212 devastated workers were told during one-on-one meetings they would be going home without a job.

One sacked assembly plant worker who had worked at Ford for more than a decade said it was unfair to be let go with no reason given.

There IS a God and here is the proof. GM Workers may resort to "sabotage" aka. Don't Buy a Commadore

Why you should not buy an Australian made General Motors product

Workers may resort to 'sabotage'

"Yeah (it's a) shock. I'm young and fit," the worker, who didn't want to be named, told AAP.

"Life's gone, you know.

"I feel bad, but what can you do, you know?"

Other workers who kept their jobs, such as shop floor worker Ronald Landverde, said watching colleagues lose theirs was stressful.

"People we thought were safe, they won't be there on Monday," he said.

"The morale is down.

"It's hard to get another job."

Ford announced in July it would slash 440 jobs at the two plants by November. Redeployment, in-house transfers and 118 voluntary redundancies still left 212 jobs to be cut.

Ford Australia president and chief executive Bob Graziano said it was a difficult day for all Ford employees.

"Although we have taken every possible step to find redeployment opportunities within other areas of our business and offered redundancies on a voluntary basis first, it has proven necessary to implement compulsory redundancies as well," he said in a statement.

Mr Graziano said the action was necessary to ensure the business was structured in line with demand and to remain as efficient as possible for the future of the remaining 2,900 employees.

Australian Manufacturing Workers Union spokesman Dave Smith says he is satisfied with how Ford handled the difficult process.

He said all levels of government should do more to support automotive jobs.

Ford received a $103 million assistance package from the state and federal governments and its US parent company in January this year.

At the time, Prime Minister Julia Gillard said the money would create 300 jobs.

But federal Opposition Leader Tony Abbott says the government assistance has been ineffective and has failed to protect jobs.

"Sadly we seem to have yet another situation where the prime minister has been spending money but not getting the kind of result that the Australian people are entitled to expect," he said on Friday.

Federal Treasurer Wayne Swan said the government would do all it could to support the sacked workers.

Asked if the package was a good investment, Mr Swan replied, "We will never give up supporting Australian workers and ensure we've got competitive Australian industry."

Mr Swan attacked opposition treasury spokesman Joe Hockey's comments that "protection is not the answer" for a thriving Australian auto industry and Australian car makers are not making vehicles consumers want.

Mr Swan said the comments were "derogatory" and Mr Hockey should "have a bit of heart".

"The fact is we do produce a good product in this country and it employs tens of thousands of Australian workers," he said.

"I respect the hard work that they've put in and I believe that other people in the political system ought to do the same and not be out there talking down the industry."

Victorian Premier Ted Baillieu said the government had a transition program to help sacked Ford workers.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Labor Women's favourite Son and "Queen Maker" thrown out of Gay Bar

Former Speaker Peter Slipper denies he was kicked out of Sydney gay bar for being drunk

Gemma Jones
Daily Telegraph
November 14, 201210:28AM

FORMER speaker Peter Slipper has this morning denied allegations he was last night kicked out of a Sydney bar, frequented by members of the gay community, for being drunk.

A bar worker claimed on Facebook "just threw out a drunken Peter Slipper from my main bar," 2GB host Ray Hadley revealed today.

The post drew replies such as "the joys of Tuesday night celebrities" and "who's Peter Slipper?"

Mr Slipper was said to have been drunk at the Oxford Hotel bar in Oxford St, Darlinghurst - a claim he strongly denies.

"What you suggest is untrue and highly defamatory," he told News Ltd via text message.

"The claims are completely untrue."

The hotel's motto is "catering for our community" with the iconic pub supporting high-profile events such as the Mardis Gras and gay and lesbian sports organisations.

Uncensored what Peter Slipper said and the Labor Politicians who stood by him.

Julia Gillard and Australia's First Cuckold in the Lodge

Bath, blowdry and barracking for the PM

Daily Telegraph
November 15, 201212:00AM

WHEN he's not running her bath, fetching the newspaper or blowdrying her hair the Prime Minister's partner, Tim Mathieson, is often flopped on the couch at The Lodge watching her in parliament.

There's no misogyny at play in the home of Australia's badass PM.

Mr Mathieson has revealed he watched the PM deliver her world famous misogyny speech at home and was "pretty impressed".

"I was sitting on the couch watching and thought, I think there's a bit more going on here than normal at question time," he said.

"It sort of bolted me up in my chair, yeah."

Once the speech became an international phenomenon via the internet, text messages came in from his two daughters Staci and Sherri saying it was "amazing".

When Ms Gillard returned home very late that night Tim was asleep but he says he woke up and drew her a bath.

"Obviously she'd had a big day," he said.

The PM's partner says he thinks her misogyny speech was "probably warranted".

"I just think when people get into question time it's all on really," he said.
 The first Bludger, Tim Mathieson's daughter Staci Childs.

"She's a pretty tough lady and I kind of figure she's got respect worldwide."

Despite being the partner of one of the world's most famous feminists the "First Bloke" says "nothing has changed" in their home life since the speech - "it's all good".

Born in Shepparton the former hairdresser has often spoken of how he has to pinch himself to make sure he really is in attendance at great international events like the Royal Wedding in London.

At home at The Lodge he behaves like a very caring and solicitous partner, delivering the busy PM her morning paper and helping with an early morning blow wave for the television cameras.

"Then I have to recover during the day and sit on the couch and watch parliament which usually puts you to sleep, except for that day," he said.

Mr Mathieson revealed his quiet pleasure in presenting Ms Gillard with the morning newspapers on Tuesday that revealed the government's latest lift in the polls.

"It was good to take The Australian in to give it to her and go "not a bad look over here," he said.

"She was just going about her business, but for me it was good to wake up to that."

He says Ms Gillard appears to have had more spring in her step since she received a lift in the polls.

"It makes me a bit more happy about things, I guess," he said. "I don't follow it too much, but it's a bit easier or a bit lighter if things are going a bit better."

He doesn't attribute the government's improved poll performance to the misogyny speech and instead sees it as just part of a "natural cycle".

"It was always going to level up a bit, you know, after a period of time. Pretty much all the hard stuff has now been done," he said.

He predicts the polls will get "even closer" in the lead up to the election.

Mr Mathieson's father suffers from diabetes and he yesterday hosted a lunch for World Diabetes Day at The Lodge.

The food was specially prepared to be diabetes friendly and included one of the Prime Minister's favourite dishes - caesar salad.

A spelling glitch in the menu however described the salad as being "full of victims and a good source of slow release for protein".

Mr Mathieson is also an ambassador for Kidney Health Australia and a patron of the Australian Men's Sheds Association and says he enjoys the work he does promoting these causes.

He's spent the last year travelling to many of Australia's country towns to promote men's health and took part in the Kidney Health car rally.

"I'm really interested in the indigenous side of diabetes," he says.

He talks of trying to raise the profile of the issue with Pacific Island spouses at the Pacific Island Forum and the ASEAN conference next week.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Socialist Australia : PM Madame Gillard refuses to answers questions about past Lovers Union Scam / Slush Fund

The $5000 question - claims Julia Gillard's ex-boyfriend Bruce Wilson put cash into her account

The Daily Telegraph
November 14, 2012 12:00AM

JULIA Gillard's past continued to haunt her last night, with allegations emerging that in June 1996 a union employee told the national head of the Australian Workers Union that he deposited $5000 cash into her account.

The allegation, outlined exclusively in The Australian today, is that the cash had come from the Prime Minister's then boyfriend, AWU official Bruce Wilson.

Ms Gillard has always denied any wrongdoing over the creation of a union slush fund on behalf of Mr Wilson and union official Ralph Blewitt during her time as a lawyer for Slater and Gordon.

The allegation comes as Mr Blewitt indicated he is willing to speak openly about his role in the union scandal but wants the police to guarantee him immunity from prosecution.

The Australian reports that then national AWU head Ian Cambridge, now a Fair Work Australia Commissioner, recorded in his 1994-1996 diary allegations by union employee Wayne Hem that Mr Wilson, after a night at a casino, had given him a wad of cash totalling $5000 along with Ms Gillard's bank account details and told him to deposit it.

The report also states that Mr Hem's allegations formed part of a statutory declaration sworn to the newspaper in Melbourne three days ago during a lengthy interview.

The report stressed it was not known from where Mr Wilson got the funds and there was no evidence, nor was it suggested, Ms Gillard asked for the payment or knew of its origins. Ms Gillard yesterday repeated her denial of any wrongdoing.

Her spokesman issued a statement to The Australian saying: "The Prime Minister has made clear on numerous occasions that she was not involved in any wrongdoing.

"I also note that despite repeatedly being asked to do so, The Australian has been unable to substantiate any allegations of wrongdoing."

Mr Hem told The Australian that he told Mr Cambridge about the bank deposit on June 7, 1996, during a drive to Melbourne. During this time Mr Cambridge was investigating AWU fraud.

Mr Cambridge's June 7, 1996 diary entry notes Mr Hem telling him "about an event that took place in about July last year (1995)", The Australian reports.

"This event involved Bruce Wilson handing Wayne an envelope which contained approximately $5000 in $100 and $50 notes and Wilson instructed Hem to deposit this $5000 into a personal account of Julia Gillard."

Mr Hem provided further detail on the allegation in his statutory declaration to The Australian, saying he had been asked to attend Mr Wilson's office. "I went down and he handed me about five grand," Mr Hem said in the report.

"Then Bruce handed me a piece of paper with the account number and a name on it, and it was Julia's name.

"He said 'Go put this in Julia's account'. I said 'OK'.

"He (Wilson) made a comment about not saying anything. I just went down to the bank, put it in, came back, gave him the receipt.

"I didn't know if it was for Julia or if the account was a private account or a Slater and Gordon account. It just had Julia Gillard's name on it and I put it in the bank account."

 Read more on this story at The Australian.

AWU man ready to open up on fraud

Steve Lewis 
The Daily Telegraph 
November 14, 2012 12:00AM

POLICE have asked the lawyer for a key player in the Australian Workers Union scandal whether his client would provide details about an alleged "slush" fund used by Julia Gillard's former boyfriend Bruce Wilson.

In a move that could shed fresh evidence on the 15-year-old union fraud, Victorian detectives have confirmed they are willing to speak with former AWU official Ralph Blewitt.

Now living in Malaysia, Mr Blewitt's testimony could be explosive and include details of an alleged "slush" fund that was used to help purchase a Melbourne property.

Prime Minister Gillard, whose former boyfriend Mr Wilson was the mastermind behind the union fraud, provided advice on a number of matters while a lawyer at Slater & Gordon, including helping to register the AWU Workplace Reform Association which Ms Gillard admitted was used as a "slush" fund by Mr Wilson and Mr Blewitt over a three-year period.

Mr Blewitt has indicated he is willing to speak openly about his role in the union scandal but wants police to guarantee him immunity from prosecution.

Last night, Mr Blewitt's Melbourne lawyer Bob Galbally said his client was happy to co-operate with Victorian fraud squad officers. He expected the police would seek to investigate the scandal "on a wide basis" including details of a "slush" fund used by the two former AWU officials.

"My client is happy to make a statement to the police about the purchase of the Kerr St property. The purchase was with stolen funds," Mr Galbally said.

He said Victoria Police had said they "are prepared to investigate the matter".

"Before I take (Mr Blewitt) in for a statement, I am seeking approval from the police to him making a statement with a proviso that it should not be used in evidence against himself," Mr Galbally said. He said he expected police would "investigate on a wide basis".

Known as the AWU Workplace Reform Association, the fund was used to misappropriate $400,000, according to an investigation carried out by the union management.

Sunday, October 07, 2012

Even IF you can afford Electricity in Australia Labor Green Loons Financiers are going to make sure you only get it when they say you can have it no matter the price.

Blackouts expected as NSW power workers plan to strike

Barclay Crawford
The Sunday Telegraph
October 07, 201212:00AM

MORE than 500,000 homes across NSW risk being left in the dark this month with rolling blackouts expected across the state as power workers walk off the job.

One in six homes could be hit by blackouts during the evening peak following a decision by Fair Work Australia to allow workers to take industrial action at the state's biggest power supplier, Macquarie Generation.

Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union and eight other unions have been cleared to strike at the Liddell and Bayswater power stations in the Hunter Valley in defiance of state government action to strip them of lucrative conditions negotiated with the former NSW Labor government. 

The two plants, controlled by Macquarie Generation, produce 40 per cent of the state's energy needs. 

While the approved strike is only for 48 hours, the plants would effectively be shut for two weeks because of the time it takes to close them down and then restart them.

The blackout threat has been exacerbated by an explosion at Eraring Energy's Lake Macquarie power plant, which has forced it to shut down until November.

The plant is responsible for about 11 per cent of the state's electricity needs.

The Eraring closure and the proposed strike action come at the worst possible time for NSW, with a hot October predicted to send power demand soaring.

A source said 124 operators at Macquarie Generation earn $250,000 a year once overtime and superannuation are taken into account, with at least one operator on more than $300,000. 

Other perks include $2.2 million spent funding a half-hour shower allowance, despite the fact most operators don't raise a sweat on the job, and a lucrative superannuation scheme. But a senior union source said the government was looking to "pick a fight" with them.

The O'Farrell Government believes the power perks are unsustainable and only add to the cost of NSW power bills.

Despite their excessive conditions, workers are also pushing for a five per cent pay rise.

"The work practices in the government's energy business are unsustainable and are only adding to the power costs of consumers," a spokesman for Energy Minister Chris Hartcher said.

"Workers at these plants come under Prime Minister Julia Gillard's Fair Work regime, which has to be conscious when it approves industrial action that these work practices are placing an additional burden on electricity consumers." Peter McPherson, a Unions NSW industrial officer for the state's northern region, said negotiations were continuing and they were "looking to avoid an industrial action".

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Bill Shorten Labor's sharpest

 Future Labor PM, Bill Shorten

Alan Jones claims PM Gillard's father died of shame.....I disagree

I strongly disagree with Jones. Madame Gillard's father would have been very proud of his daughters stewardship over Australia's destruction, he was a committed "Socialist" just like his daughter and often spoke of his admiration for her efforts to change Australia from the Nation he found upon his arrival in Adelaide as an assisted passage immigrant family from Barry in Wales in 1966, to the Socialist Utopian Multicultural crime ridden beggar Nation Australia is fast becoming today.
The Australian Labor Party and their Australian Council of Trade Unions and GetUp financiers are working towards a Serfdom state with social order dictated and enforced by  Muslim Savages via Sharia Law sold to the masses as Resdistributive Social Justice.

Alan Jones says Julia Gillard's dad 'died of shame'

The Sunday Telegraph 
September 30, 2012 12:00AM

VETERAN broadcaster and 2GB host Alan Jones has claimed Prime Minister Julia Gillard's father died of "shame" because of the political "lies" his daughter told.

He told a group of 100 Young Liberals that John Gillard's death was the fault of his proud child.

He went on to suggest Ms Gillard's tears of grief, for a man she publicly said she "will miss for the rest of my life", were what sparked a sudden leap in political polling for her.

Mr Gillard, a former psychiatric nurse, died in Adelaide on September 8, age 83.

The remarks occurred during Mr Jones' 50-minute speech at the annual $100-per-head Sydney University Liberal Club President's Dinner, on the top floor of Sydney's Waterfront restaurant in The Rocks last Saturday.

After referring to Ms Gillard's track record with telling the truth to voters over issues including the carbon tax, Mr Jones said her father's death was caused by the Prime Minister herself.

"The old man recently died a few weeks ago of shame," Mr Jones told a group of party members and MPs, including Alex Hawke, Ray Williams and Sussan Ley.

"To think that he had a daughter who told lies every time she stood for parliament.

"Every person in the caucus of the Labor Party knows that Julia Gillard is a liar."

Some members of the audience gasped with surprise.

The radio star went on to say Ms Gillard had enjoyed a recent spike in polls sparked by her tears. He also said she was being given an easy ride by the "brainwashed" Liberal Party who had backed down because she was a woman.

Labor Green Loons  (Madame Gillard's)  Australia

Organisers of the dinner were not aware a journalist from The Sunday Telegraph, who had purchased a ticket, was present.

While paying tribute to her father in parliament on September 19, Ms Gillard spoke of the rough and tumble of politics and how that affected the family.

She said her father "felt more deeply than me, in many ways, some of the personal attacks that we face in the business of politics, but I was always able to reassure him that he had raised a daughter with sufficient strength not to let that get her down".

Mr Jones made several mentions about why Liberal leader Tony Abbott should be Australia's next PM.

"His overweening weakness is his humility. You will never ever hear this bloke argue his ability, his virtue, or indeed his competence," he said.

"He is a man of incomparable integrity and conviction."

The broadcaster said it was vital every member of Mr Abbott's party united behind their leader in the lead-up to the election. Mr Jones said some members of the Labor caucus were scared of the Liberal leader and others thought he was sexist.

Yesterday Mr Jones did not respond to approaches from The Sunday Telegraph.

The event was staged by Sydney University Liberal Club president and aspiring MP Alex Dore. Mr Jones has endorsed his political endeavours.

Yesterday, Mr Dore said Mr Jones had not made the comments about Ms Gillard's father. Later, informed there was a recording of the speech, his position changed.

"It was a very long speech and I did not hear it. I have always found Alan to be respectful," Mr Dore said.

He said there was "no need" to "pick apart Alan's speech. All you are doing is reducing it to a very small thing which distracts from the issues facing Australia".

Mr Williams would not be drawn on Mr Jones' remarks.

"I will just let this one go through to the keeper, the room was a bit a noisy at the time, I can't remember him saying it," he said.

Fellow MPs Mr Hawke and Ms Ley could not be reached.

Mr Abbott had previously expressed his condolences for the Prime Minister.

"This is a tragic time for (Ms Gillard) and we all feel for her at this very sad time," he told parliament. "It is a remarkable parent who produces a prime minister of this country."

During the five-hour event, three spoof songs were sung by Young Liberals member Simon Berger, Woolworths' government realtions manager.

Tirade of abuse on airwaves

The Sunday Telegraph
September 30, 2012 12:00AM

ALAN Jones cannot stand Julia Gillard.

The former Wallabies coach has previously suggested the prime minister should be thrown out to sea in a chaff bag, ridiculed her on live radio for arriving late to an interview and even called her a liar.

During a now infamous February 2011 interview on 2GB, Jones made it clear to the Labor leader that being 10 minutes late was not on.

"Ten past seven is 10 past seven isn't it?" he said.

" I can understand you may not want to come on

or you can't come on but surely courtesy has to be part of the way in which the public are treated."

She apologised and said a previous media commitment was the reason for being late.

During the 30-minute exchange, in which the carbon tax was the hot topic, Mr Jones said Australia was being headed by a liar.

"Do you understand, Julia, that you are the issue today, because there are people now saying your name is not Julia but Ju-liar and they are saying that we've got a liar running the country?" he said.

Days later Ms Gillard told the ABC's Q&A show that she could not say on national television what she thought of Mr Jones.

"Some words you probably can't use on the ABC, even at this time of night. I think it would be a bad result if tomorrow people were (watching) TV, and then the prime minister said 'beep, beep beep'."

Mr Jones once unsuccessfully sought Liberal pre-selection for the NSW seat of Earlwood.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Australian Politics :Is the Prime Minister a crook? Part VII

Is the Prime Minister a crook? Part VII

Pickering Post

It appears that Nicola Roxon and Peter Van Sumbugger are the only two people left standing who are young and naive enough to believe this is a Liberal Party beat-up.

Sorry Nicola and Peter, we have never spoken to any Opposition Member and it's far from a beat-up. The continuous stream of information is coming from your side of the House and one other person the Prime Minister knew very well. There are some angry people on your Benches.

Well, you two, here's more to cause you some indigestion.

Slater & Gordon handle unfair dismissal claims in their thousands. Gillard herself handled a few, so she knew exactly what it meant when she was called in for a taped interview... it was a precursor to her dismissal.

It's a moot point as to whether she was given the opportunity to resign or not. All legal employees, short of an accusation of murder, are extended that courtesy because a "dismissal" could both injure the firm's reputation and terminally end the employee's career. Regardless, it appears to have done both anyway.

The fraudulent document that allowed the "slush fund" to be set up was first presented in Perth. It was taken to the Commissioner of Corporate Affairs who promptly refused to allow it on grounds that it appeared to be too much like a union.

Undeterred, Wilson asked Gillard to do it. Incredibly, Gillard agreed. It was pointless to persist in Perth because the Commissioner had already knocked it back so it was off to Victoria and the offices of Slater & Gordon.

Now, even the most young and naive person on the planet would have known this was highly unethical at best and illegal on a number of fronts at worst.

There were three other people present when this document was drawn up: Ralph Blewitt, Bruce Wilson and senior equity partner, Bernard Murphy. (Bernard Murphy was the anonymous name "The Australian" redacted in its Page one story.)

In the record of interview Gillard stated that she "acted alone". She lied. Was she protecting Bernard Murphy? If so, it didn't help. Murphy hurriedly departed the firm on an agreed settlement prior to Gillard.

[Gillard was later to appoint Bernard Murphy to the Federal Court bench. Why did she do that? Was she worried he would disclose critical information relating to the blatant fraud?]

When the document was completed by Gillard it was signed by Blewitt. Wilson then took it to the Commonwealth Bank to open the now infamous account: The AWU Workplace Reform Association Inc.

It appeared on the record as an AWU account, it wasn't, but it was ready to launder hundreds of thousands of dollars, attracting no tax, into Wilson's pocket. More importantly the AWU had no knowledge of it. Yet the AWU was a client of Gillard's in the form of Wilson. The law firm itself acted for the Vic AWU.

In a classic conflict of interest, Gillard was actually facilitating theft by her boyfriend from her own firm's client, the AWU! Gillard was also improperly acting for her criminal boyfriend who was also a representative of the AWU client!

Slater & Gordon is obliged to keep the Law Institute of Victoria updated as to who is operating on their Practising Certificate? The Law Institute claims privilege on this information. We have reason to believe Julia was removed from the Certificate in September and not in May the following year as they now advise?

When the fraudulent activity was eventually discovered Peter Gordon hit the roof, but his position was untenable because:

Slater & Gordon is hardly independent. Incredibly, if they sacked her, they would be exposed to a reimbursement claim from their own client (the AWU) for all monies stolen, plus costs. What a predicament Gillard had created. No wonder they were angry.

Because Gillard did not open a file on the case, to appraise others in the firm of her actions, her conduct may be subject to criminal charges and the Professional Indemnity policy would not have been exposed (you cannot insure against criminal activity).

Lawyers are now pitting their credibility against each other. In this fiery battle of recollections and taped records Nick Styant-Browne will emerge the winner.

That may sound a bit complicated. It is! And the more Slater & Gordon wriggles the more it will need the services of a good Left wing law firm.

Part VIII: Enter the Unions and Bill Shorten.

Friday, August 17, 2012

Australian Labor Party's Shameful Values and objectives from their own mouths

From their own mouths

"But Communism is the god of discontent, and needs no blessing. All it needs is a heart willing to hate, willing to call envy “justice."Equality then means the violent destruction of all social and cultural distinctions. Freedom means absolute dictatorship over the people." 

Madame Gillard "I was young and naive" but she says she didn't get the money and Unions and Comrades in your kids Classroom - Why Communism Loves Children.

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