An American, Australian ,Israeli, British "Judeo Christian Friendly " blog.


Warning to all Muslims the world over seeking asylum and protection from the manifestations of their faith.
Do not under any circumstances come to Australia, for we are a Nation founded upon Judeo Christian Law and principles and as such Australia is an anathema to any follower of the Paedophile Slave Trader Mohammad's cult of Islam.
There is no ideology more hated and despised in Australia than Islam.You simply would not like it here.
Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.
Voltaire French author, humanist, rationalist, & satirist (1694 - 1778)
Those who demand you believe that Islam is a Religion of Peace also demand you believe in Anthropogenic Global Warming.
Aussie News & Views Jan 1 2009
"But Communism is the god of discontent, and needs no blessing. All it needs is a heart willing to hate, willing to call envy “justice."
Equality then means the violent destruction of all social and cultural distinctions. Freedom means absolute dictatorship over the people."
Take Hope from the Heart of Man and you make him a Beast of Prey
“ If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without bloodshed; if you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival.
“There may be even a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than live as slaves”
Winston Churchill. Pg.310 “The Hell Makers” John C. Grover ISBN # 0 7316 1918 8
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------If language is not correct, then what is said is not what is meant; if what is said is not what is meant, then what must be done remains undone; if this remains undone, morals and art will deteriorate; if justice goes astray, the people will stand about in helpless confusion. Hence there must be no arbitrariness in what is said.
This matters above everything.
'a socialist is communist without the courage of conviction to say what he really is'.
Hontar: We must work in the world, your eminence. The world is thus.
Altamirano: No, Señor Hontar. Thus have we made the world... thus have I made it.
Voltaire said: “If you want to know who rules over you, just find out who you are not permitted to criticize.”

--------Check this out, what an Bum WOW!!!!

When those sworn to destroy you,Communism, Socialism,"Change you can Believe in" via their rabid salivating Mongrel Dog,Islam,take away your humanity, your God given Sanctity of Life, Created in His Image , If you are lucky this prayer is maybe all you have left, If you believe in God and his Son,Jesus Christ, then you are, despite the evils that may befall you are better off than most.

Lord, I come before You with a heavy heart. I feel so much and yet sometimes I feel nothing at all. I don't know where to turn, who to talk to, or how to deal with the things going on in my life. You see everything, Lord. You know everything, Lord. Yet when I seek you it is so hard to feel You here with me. Lord, help me through this. I don't see any other way to get out of this. There is no light at the end of my tunnel, yet everyone says You can show it to me. Lord, help me find that light. Let it be Your light. Give me someone to help. Let me feel You with me. Lord, let me see what You provide and see an alternative to taking my life. Let me feel Your blessings and comfort. Amen.
"The chief weapon in the quiver of all Islamist expansionist movements, is the absolute necessity to keep victims largely unaware of the actual theology plotting their demise. To complete this deception, a large body of ‘moderates’ continue to spew such ridiculous claims as “Islam means Peace” thereby keeping non-Muslims from actually reading the Qur’an, the Sira, the Hadith, or actually looking into the past 1400 years of history. Islamists also deny or dismiss the concept of ‘abrogation’, which is the universal intra-Islamic method of replacing slightly more tolerable aspects of the religion in favor of more violent demands for Muslims to slay and subdue infidels"


Anthropogenic Global Warming SCAM

Sunday, March 22, 2009

It's TIME, To Harden the F**K UP

Australia's Chopper Reid has some advice for Australia, he is right,we need to go back to the basics,the basics of survival.

Given our self declared enemy, Islam, and it's Godless followers have promised to destroy us, maybe it IS time to fight using the language of the buyer, fight fire with fire.

Forget the "Cultural Sensitivity Training", the "All Cultures Are Equal" BS spruiked by the Left and the United Nations groupies,forget the "Religious Tolerance" indoctrination forced upon our children whilst they are supposed to be been educated at school,that teaches telerating the intolerant / able.

It IS time, to simply DO something about OUR and OUR CHILDRENS very survival.

Sydney's Occupied Territories, Harmony Day Surprise,Rudd's Assassins: Muslim Gang Targets Aussie's

This gang hates our country

Sunday Telegraph
Pg.18 22 3 09
(not found on internet)

THEY hate Australia, idolise Islamic extremism and — by their own admission— "target Aussies" on the streets.

These are the "Parra Boyz", a gang of hoodlums causing havoc around Parramatta.

Most are aged in their late teens, though police say some are adults who lead the younger members and nerecruits. The group, which more recently became known as Asesinoz MC> has about 42 followers — all of a Middle Eastern background.

Is the Assassin on the left under going
female hormone treatment? check those
She Male tits and hips.

Some members have been linked to slain former Nomad bikie Todd O'Connor,who was shot dead in Tempe last year.
Some are well-known to police, who are keeping detailed files on troublemakers associated with the group.

They are suspected of having committed crimes including robbery and assault,

Footage posted on YouTube features gang members showing off an arsenal of weapons and firearms,

One video titled "F" Australia and f'the cops" shows several images of Australian flags being burned.

Another image features a road-sign that has been digitally aItered to read " Asesinoz MC is now targeting Aussies".

Saturday March 21 was the Multiculturalist's Leftist's and UN groupies holy d

Australia, Melbourne,Islamic Sociopaths Inc. Demand Muslim ONLY prayer rooms

Students at RMIT University in Melbourne protest over lack of Muslim prayer rooms
March 22, 2009

MELBOURNE Muslim university students will protest tomorrow, saying they are being sexually harassed and discriminated against due to a lack of prayer rooms.

But RMIT University management deny this, insisting Muslim students are well catered for.

The RMIT Islamic Society want Muslim-only prayer rooms on the university's city campus.

In late 2007, construction work on the building that contained a dedicated Muslim prayer room meant the facility was demolished.

The Islamic society said the university reneged on its promise to replace that with another room.

"As a result, students and staff have been forced to pray outside in the heat of summer and the cold of winter," the society's website said.

It alleged females have been subjected to sexual abuse, harassment and religious vilification while praying.

They are now forced to pray two at a time in cramped women's rooms, corridors and empty classrooms.

The society said "enough is enough", insisting it was sick of being given the run around and would hold a mass protest at the university on Monday afternoon.

"No longer can we remain quiet and have students compromise between their safety and prayers, RMIT made a promise, it must fulfil it," the website said.

But the university described the action as "unfortunate and unnecessary".

There are already eight Muslim prayer rooms across the university's three campuses, Dr Maddy McMaster, Acting Pro Vice-Chancellor (Students) said.

"The university's policy is that prayer rooms in its spiritual centre are multi-faith, open to bookings by members of all faiths," she said.

Muslims get preferential access to two of those rooms.

"With space at a premium on our city campus, we have bent over backwards to find an amicable solution," she said.

Gestures of good faith have been rejected, she insisted.

"Multi-faith spaces are commonly accepted as supporting a range of religious practices, including those of the Muslim faith.

"It is disappointing that the RMIT Islamic Society chooses to reject established multi-faith principles," she said.

The society did not respond to AAP requests for comment.

I agree "enough" IS indeed "enough" you are not forced to prey anywhere,you can simply piss off back to wherever you believe you will be able to practice,and impose your stone age cult with like thinkers.
See these neanderthals web site
RMIT Islamic Society

Simply put, GET OUT!!!!! we have had enough.

Islam can ONLY exist as a DISRUPTIVE minority

or as an OPPRESSIVE majority.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Sydney's Occupied Territories: Rape victim too distraught to speak after video

Rape victim too distraught to speak after video

By Larissa Cummings
The Daily Telegraph
March 21, 2009 12:00am

A TEENAGE girl who woke up next to one of the notorious "K" brothers with her underwear missing and her skirt hitched up is too frightened to watch the video that forced her attacker to admit he sexually assaulted her.

MRK, one of four Pakistani brothers in jail for a spree of sex attacks on teenage girls in 2002, was 17 when he was filmed indecently touching and assaulting the unconscious 15-year-old.

In the footage, MRK directs the person holding the camera where to film as he repeatedly violates the girl.

Despite claiming he has no recollection of the offences, MRK, now 24, pleaded guilty in December to two counts of aggravated sexual assault after he was shown the video evidence.

An agreed statement of facts tendered to the District Court at MRK's sentencing hearing yesterday said the incident happened after the girl watched the 2002 Mardi Gras parade with the brothers in the city.

Afterwards, she went with them to their Ashfield home where they plied her with alcohol until she grew dizzy, vomited and passed out. She woke the next morning to find MRK next to her in bed, her skirt around her waist and her underwear on the floor.

Nine months later, police discovered footage of the girl being molested by MRK on one of several video cassettes found in a search of the brothers' home.

The girl has told police she refuses to view the assault because she is "ashamed of what it might contain".

MRK was charged in December 2002, but before his trial the girl told police she did not want the prosecution to proceed and charges were dropped.

In July 2007, three months before MRK - who was serving 10 years - was eligible to be released on parole, police charged him with two counts of aggravated sexual assault and three counts of aggravated indecent assault after the girl provided a further statement.

He will be sentenced this month.

MRK is in Goulburn's supermax prison where he has asked to be kept in protection, the court heard. "Some of his brothers were brutally bashed last year . . . and he holds great fears for his safety," lawyer Phillip Young said.

Sydney's Occupied Territories,Michael Darwiche,Muslim Criminal's brother arrested and denied bail

Michael (?) Darwiche
Arrested and denied bail.

Muslim Criminals supporters " They will never break us"

Darwiche denied 'vengeance', and bail

The Daily Telegraph

March 20, 2009 05:30pm

A SYDNEY man accused of planning to avenge the shooting murder of his brother has been denied bail, despite pleading for release to help care for his dead sibling's children.

Michael Darwiche, 40, sat quietly in the dock of Bankstown Local Court on Friday as his barrister argued for bail on eight firearms charges.

Darwiche is the brother of Abdul Darwiche, shot dead in a hail of bullets in front of his children near a Sydney service station last Saturday.

Since the killing, there has been speculation a long-standing gang feud between the Darwiches and the rival Razzak and Fahda families would be reignited.

Darwiche was arrested about 9pm (AEDT) on Thursday at Bankstown.

"At 9pm yesterday the defendant was the passenger in the front seat of a motor vehicle driving along Salvia Avenue in Bankstown,'' barrister Michael Coroneos told the court.

The blue BMW was subsequently searched by police, with Darwiche claiming he and the driver, Michael Darwick (Michael Darwick), were on their way to a McDonald's restaurant.

However, underneath the rear passenger seat of the BMW, police allegedly found a Glock 23 pistol and an amount of ammunition, a street directory, and the names and addresses of the Fahda family.

"There is nothing to suggest that he (Michael Darwiche) had knowledge of the existence of the firearm when he got in the front passenger seat,'' Mr Coroneos said.

He insisted the police case relied wholly on speculation.

"There is nothing that can be placed before this court that this person has done anything to ... present a danger to the community,'' he added.

Mr Coroneos argued his client, a director of a construction company, should be granted bail to continue his business and financially support his wife and five children, as well as the children of his murdered brother.

Sergeant Wayne Druery admitted much of the evidence was speculative but asked Magistrate Paul Falzon to consider the protection of the community and refuse bail.

"This defendant comes before you not on one matter in which there is no presumption in favour of bail, but two,'' Sgt Druery said to Mr Falzon.

"It is true that we are still waiting on scientific evidence, but we say at this stage that there is strong circumstantial evidence.''

Mr Falzon noted Darwiche's strong community ties and willingness to provide surety in excess of $800,000 and surrender his passport, but denied bail.

Darwiche is due to face Sydney Central Local Court on May 14 by audio visual link.

He and his co-accused face eight charges, including unlicensed possession of an unregistered firearm and being armed with intent to commit an indictable offence.

Darwiche, 36, did not apply for bail and is due before Sydney's Central Local Court next Friday.

Sydney's Occupied Territories erupt in Murder and Assault Police, as Islams Finest do their THAANG

Friday, March 20, 2009

Tenth Australian killed in Afghanistan

Kevin Rudd: Keep Afghanistan troops or risk terrorism in Australia

By Max Blenkin, Defence Correspondent
The Daily Telegraph
March 20, 2009 05:15pm

AUSTRALIA must stay the course in Afghanistan or risk terrorist attacks on our own shores, Prime Minister Kevin Rudd said today.

His warning followed news that a second Australian soldier had died in the strife-torn country this week. The unnamed soldier, a explosive ordnance disposal (EOD) specialist, died instantly as he tried to defuse a Taliban improvised explosive device (IED).

His death followed that of Corporal Mathew (Mathew) Hopkins, shot dead by insurgents in a firefight on Monday.
The latest fatality takes Australia's death toll in Afghanistan to 10 since 2002. In a parliamentary tribute, Opposition Leader Malcolm Turnbull described EOD technicians as among the bravest of the brave.

They walked straight into danger zones to clear the way of mines, roadside bombs and other suspect devices strewn by terrorists in
their path, he said. Few details of the latest incident have been revealed. Defence head Angus Houston said Australian soldiers were involved in route clearance at an unspecified location when the IED was detected. In the course of dealing with the device, there was an explosion. "It is believed that the soldier, who was a specialist EOD technician, was killed instantly," Air Chief Marshal Houston told reporters. Mr Rudd said it had been a sad week for all Australians with the loss of two proud and respected soldiers.

Terrorists who killed more than 100 Australians in major attacks since 2000 found sanctuary in Afghanistan and the border regions
with Pakistan, he said. "We cannot allow Afghanistan to yet again become another safe haven for terrorists who then present a threat to the security of people everywhere, including Australians at home and abroad. "The implications of this would extend well beyond Afghanistan itself to our wider region and possibly to our own shores."

Mr Turnbull said the EOD technician gave his life trying to protect the lives of others. The technicians were chosen for their calm, skill, mental discipline and, above all, nerves of steel. "They are part of a dedicated, courageous and selfless group that say to their comrades in arm 'keep your heads down and let me clear a safe way for you'," he said.

Defence Minister Joel Fitzgibbon again cautioned that rising casualties came at the expense of public support. "It is true that the longer you are in a campaign and the more people you lose, the more difficult it is to maintain the support of your local population," he said. IEDs, often deployed as roadside bombs, pose a significant risk to coalition troops and have claimed the lives of four of the nine Australian soldiers killed since October 2007. Other soldiers have been wounded. In November 2007, bomb disposal expert Sergeant Michael Lyddiard lost an eye and an arm in the explosion of an IED he was seeking to disarm. Another roadside bomb blast in September 2007 killed an explosive detection dog and injured his handler.

Is Kevin "I have never been a Socialist" 07 Rudd, the first Western Socialist political party leader to perhaps understand, just a little, the threat of Islam, or as the Islamic appeaser in Chief, Obama demands be described as "man caused disaster" facilitators ?
If so, I hope he is able to impart his understanding of the Islamic / "man caused disaster" facilitators threat to civilization how I wish Rudd's reported concern for our security were genuine.
Australia's Kevin "I have never been a Socialist" 07 Rudd, PM is many things, however, above all he is a shameless liar, who has even invoked the death of his father to legitimise / excuse his membership of Australia's largest Socialist Marxist funded political party, the Australia Labor Party, of which he is now the leader, his appalling slander and character assassination of those who tried to save his fathers life will go down in Australian political history as one of Labor's lowest efforts to gain office at any cost.

I agree with Rudd and his remarks "AUSTRALIA must stay the course in Afghanistan or risk terrorist attacks on our own shores" Why then does he and his party have an open borders illegal immigration policy into Australia?
I mean if you believed that the Taliban / Islamic Terrorism, aka "man caused disasters" in Afghanistan were a threat to Australia and Australian's, why would you at the same time have an open borders illegal refugee policy that allows anyone who flies by plane from Afghanistan to Islamic "man made disaster" supporter, Indonesia, then boards "refugee boats" and is then intercepted in Australian waters by the Royal Australian Navy or Australian Customs forces, not turned back but under orders of the Rudd Socialist Government, escorted to Christmas Island then under Rudd's International Socialist "humane" refugee assessment program granted residence after answering "NO" to the question of "are you a terrorist",to Taliban and Islamic Terrorism supporters aka "man caused disasters"

If Rudd was so concerned about the security of Australia and Australian's he would direct his immigration department to refuse ALL Islamic immigration into Australia, and carefully vet those Muslims already living in Australia with a view to deporting those we are able to do so.
I am sure it is amusing to the Australian Labor Party and their Islamic Multicultural / Cultural Diversity fifth column seeing Australians been shot and blown to pieces in Iraq and Afghanistan while their "refugee" policy allows the killers / potential killers and supporters of those who want to kill Australians into Australia.

Labor and their Marxist financiers, the Australian Council of Trade Unions, (ACTU) have always been supporters of any force that wants to destroy Australia and it's people, from destroying military equipment and supplies to our troops in WW2 to their monetary and moral support of the North Vietnamese,Vietcong, in the Vietnam war under the guise of the "Peace Movement"

I would ask Rudd what his policy on Iran is? given Iran is a major sponsor / facilitator of Islamic Terrorism aka "man caused disasters" in Iraq and Afghanistan.

If the west does lose the war against Islamic Terrorism, aka "man caused disasters" it will not be because of a lack of courage or ability on the part of those whose job it is to fight it,it will be as was the case in the Vietnam War, due to the anti west fifth column existing within the borders of the west who use the rights,freedoms and privelges, that only exist in NON Muslim, NON International Socialist Judeo / Christian Western Democracies they demand be destroyed in the name of world wide "peace, tolerance and diversity".

Sydney's Occupied Territories: Islamic youth group deny Hamas Taliban ties

Lakemba mosque rebel youth group say Taliban, Hamas links false

By Rhys Haynes
The Daily Telegraph
March 20, 2009 02:00pm

A REBEL youth group outside Sydney's Lakemba mosque have distributed a leaflet saying claims they are linked with the Taliban or Hamas are false and dangerous.

The leaflet, headlined 'The Important Announcement to the Muslim community from the youth and the brothers of Lakemba mosque', states: "During last Friday's sermon we were accused of being extremists who are 'brainwashed' supporting the Taliban.

"This is a very dangerous accusation because it puts innocent people in danger of being arrested for these serious terrorist charges and immediately imprisoned."

The leaflet also describes the need to "clarify some points to the community and especially for the Fathers and Mothers".

Armed detectives are patrolling the streets surrounding the mosque where today's sermon has begun.

The sermon has been shrouded with controversy after tensions within the Muslim community escalated when Sheik Taj el-Dene Elhilaly's claimed some of the young men that oppose him are terrorists.

At last week's sermon, aired on Muslim radio, he also said: "We should call (Taliban leader) Muallah Omar and declare that we have Taliban in Lakemba."

He added: "I feel there are hidden fingers that are controlling our naive sons."

Sheik Taj el-Dene Elhilaly has also been caught up in an act of vandalism last week - minutes before reporting it to police.

Muslim youths believe the sheik staged the vandalism - when he kicked in a door to an office - to frame them and gain public support before he was unwittingly caught on security footage.

In turn Sheik Hilaly, who denies the allegations, believes he has been set up.

See ANV video post March 18 09 Sydney's Occupied Territories: Sheik Taj Din Al Hilaly, trashes Mosque then calls Police to find culprit.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

ACORN :The Obama army ready to strike

ACORN The Obama Army ready to strike at America's heart.

Pelosi telling Americans what Obama's illegal immigrant policy REALLY IS

Pelosi enunciates Obama's Hope & Change that Americans can believe in.

Muslim Drug Dealers Killer urged to surrender

Surrender for your own good, Muslim leaders urge Blackie Fahda

The Daily Telegraph

March 19, 2009 12:00am

SAFER in custody than out is the message Muslim leaders have for the family of Mohammed "Blackie" Fahda, wanted for questioning over the murder of drug kingpin Abdul Darwiche.

Fahda - a younger brother of Ahmad Fahda, who was shot dead at a Punchbowl service station six years ago - cannot be found.

Two associates of the Darwiche family are serving life sentences for Fahda's murder.

It is believed police have spent this week checking homes and associates linked to Fahda.

Muslim community leaders told The Daily Telegraph they had agreed to approach the brothers' father Abdul to urge him to get his son to contact police. They say his life is at dire risk from some people in the community who may want to take the law into their own hands.

One Muslim community leader, who did not wish to be named, said it was well known in the community that Fahda was the one being sought for questioning by Strike Force Solomon.

"People will try to make contact with his father to present him to the police station because then things will calm down," he said.

Police yesterday said, while they were concerned about possible retribution, they had no proof of anyone threatening vengeance for Darwiche's murder or of anyone being kidnapped to disclose Fahda's whereabouts.

Sydney's Occupied Territories erupt in Murder and Assault Police, as Islams Finest do their THAANG

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Corporal Mathew Hopkins.

Corporal Mathew Hopkins

Fallen Digger Corporal Mathew Hopkins a proud new dad - widow

By Ian McPhedran
The Daily Telegraph
March 18, 2009 04:37pm

A SOLDIER killed in Afghanistan on Monday has been named as 21-year-old Corporal Mathew Hopkins, married with a young son.

Corporal Mathew Hopkins spent just four days with his new son Alex before duty called him back to Afghanistan and an untimely death at the hands of Taliban insurgents.

His devastated wife Victoria paid a brief tribute to her 21-year-old husband who died in a hail of enemy bullets during an ambush in Afghanistan on Monday.

He was on his second tour of duty in southern Afghanistan.

"Mat had the most important job - he was a father to our son Alex, my husband and my best friend," she said.

"He was excited about becoming a daddy. He only got to spend four days with our son when he was born before he had to go back overseas. I'm so glad that Mat got to meet his son and experience fatherhood."

The section commander was on patrol with a joint Australian-Afghan National Army patrol when it was ambushed by about 20 enemy fighters near the village of Kakarak about 12km north of the base at Tarin Kowt.

The young soldier from the Darwin based 7th Battalion was a member of an Operational Mentoring and Liaison Team (OMLT) charged with training local troops.

He was treated by patrol medics for severe gunshot wounds and evacuated to the Tarin Kowt field hospital.

Defence chief Angus Houston said he was pronounced "dead on arrival", but Defence revised that assessment saying he "died shortly after arriving at the hospital".

Air Chief Marshal Houston said that the Defence organisation would do everything it could to support the Hopkins family as they dealt with their terrible loss.

"Mathew was a fine, professional and courageous soldier," ACM Houston said.

"He died while serving his nation and his sacrifice should never be forgotten. This loss is felt heavily by the wider Defence Community. He will be sadly missed and fondly remembered by his mates and colleagues.''

Corporal Hopkins was the ninth Australian to die in Afgahnistan since 2002.

More than 60 diggers have been wounded.

Sydney's Occupied Territories: Sheik Taj Din Al Hilaly, trashes Mosque then calls Police to find culprit.

The "Uncovered Meat" " Muslim Holy man" has been caught out big time,see if you can see where,on the video, he has been missinterpreted I cannot wait to hear Sheik Taj Din Al Hilaly's apologist in chief, Keyasr Trad explain away the actions of this piece of shit, oops sorry "bacteria "

Monday, March 16, 2009

Sydney: Cronulla, Sharks Stalk Ocean Race Swimmers

Better than the "Cronulla Riots" in "Daarnce", a frigging SHARK!!!!!
appears mid way through the annual
Cronulla / SHARK Island ocean Swim.

Is Sydney Killer Shark and School Fish Capital of the WORLD?

Sharks, Fish, Sharks and more bloody Fish,
then more Bloody Big Sharks!!!!!
See what happens when you elect Socialist's!!!

Three Meter Bull Shark captured 600meters from Sydney Opera House

Sydney's Occupied territories erupt in Murder and Assault Police, as Islams Finest do their THAANG

Islams Finest On Parade in Sydney's
Occupied Territories
Drug boss executed

Les Kennedy, Eamonn Duff and Manuel Mitternacht
March 15, 2009

THE head of one of Sydney's most powerful drug dealing crime syndicates was shot dead in a drive-by shooting at a busy intersection yesterday, sparking police fears the brazen killing in front of pedestrians would reignite a gang war.

As police called for calm among members of Sydney's Middle Eastern community last night the dead man was named as Abdul Qadier Darwiche, 37, of Condell Park, whose younger brother Adnan "Eddie" Darwiche, of Lakemba, is serving life for double murder.

Police said Darwiche died in a hail of at least six gunshots fired into his moving vehicle by gunmen in a silver four-wheel-drive as he was driving along Miller Road, Bass Hill, near the intersection of Liverpool Road, at 3.45pm.

The Peace Loving Relatives and their Friends at the Murder scene,note the the numerous assault Police incidents as Police investigate the murder(video includes history of mayhem created by these scum)

Within seconds his vehicle careered off the road and into a park, crashing into a gum tree with Darwiche dead behind the wheel. Police would not say if a weapon was found inside his car, a black Triton utility, but confirmed the attack followed an argument with a group of men in a nearby street.

In September 2007 police publicly identified Abdul Darwiche as the head of a "criminal syndicate" when Detective Inspector Michael Ryan told the Administrative Decisions Tribunal that Darwiche's family controlled drug networks in the city's south-west.

Inspector Ryan named the head of the family syndicate as Abdul Darwiche, who in 2006 was found not guilty of the attempted murder of Farouk "Frank" Razzak, alleged to have headed a rival clan.

It was the first time police publicly named someone as the head of a family-based Middle Eastern crime syndicate. Abdul Darwiche strongly denied the allegations at the time, saying the police claims were based on unfounded rumour and speculation, and said police had a personal vendetta against him.

The allegations, in which police also alleged Abdul Darwiche carried a gun down the back of his pants, came to light when he appealed to the Administrative Decisions Tribunal after the Tow Truck Authority refused his application for a tow truck licence on the grounds that he was not of good character.

Inspector Ryan told the tribunal a former associate of Abdul Darwiche had informed police that he sold cannabis and amphetamines for him "from 1996 onwards".

Adnan Darwiche was sentenced to life imprisonment in November 2006 for a double murder committed with three others during a bloody inter-family drug feud in Sydney's south-west that was investigated by the forerunner to the Middle Eastern Crime Squad, Task Force Gain.

The taskforce was set up in 2003 to end a bloody series of drive-by shootings involving the Darwiche and Razzak families.

Adnan Darwiche is serving natural life jail terms in the Supermax high security jail in Goulburn for murdering Ziad Razzak and young mother Mervat Nemra.

Ms Nemra was an innocent bystander whose home Ziad Razzak was using as a safe house while being hunted by rival drug dealers.

The Funeral at Lakemba Mosque,attended by the victims fellow members of
" The Religion of Peace"

Both were killed when Adnan Darwiche and three others fired more than 100 bullets from Russian military AK-47 assault rifles and an M1 machine-gun into the Greenacre house where the two were sleeping.

Adnan Darwiche's Supreme Court trial in 2006 was told that that the dispute between him and another relative Bilal Razzak erupted in 2001 over drug-dealing boundaries and a broken marriage between Darwiche's sister, Khadige, and Ali Abdul-Razzak.

In August, 2003 Ali Abdul-Razzak was shot dead by three unidentified gunmen as he walked from prayers at the Lakemba Mosque. His killers have not been found.

Police who rushed to the scene of yesterday's shooting were quick to say that the shooting had not stemmed from road rage, saying Abdul Darwiche appeared to have been deliberately targeted by a gunman in a silver coloured Honda CRV four-wheel-drive vehicle. Detectives from the Middle Eastern Crime Squad joined Homicide investigators and Bankstown police in the investigation last night.

The shooting was seen by a number of customers, staff and children in a small shopping centre and service station bordering the intersection. They were in the nearby kebab shop, Subway and chemist shop and United service station.

Police cordoned off the park where the dead man's vehicle came to a halt and placed a tarpaulin over the vehicle to protect clues for crime scene investigators as the body lay slumped inside.

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