

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Dear Leader Kevin Rudd one year on.

Hello my loyal constituents,

Can I just say, thank you for celebrating with me the first anniversary of my Government.

And you know something? As I travel the world, I passionately believe you got it right when you voted for me, for an education revolution, for new directions, new leadership, fresh ideas, fresh thinking, and several of my other cliches.

What are some of my favourite achievements? The bottom line is this:

  • Hosting the 2020 Summit, starring Cate and 999 other "average" Australians – I found it so rewarding that I took decisive action and announced at least 168 more reviews, committees and inquiries.
  • On the question of taxpayer-funded travel, I'm lapping it up. In just 12 months I've spent the equivalent of almost two months overseas!
  • Fresh ideas like our unlimited bank guarantee, and telling those who consequently can't access their non-bank savings to "go to Centrelink".

My challenge to you is this: visit my memorabilia website at (where the buck really does stop with me) and show your heart-felt appreciation for 12 long months of Labor.

Your Dear Leader,

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