

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Another Islamic weapon of MASS destruction ? : " Make me your sex slave" or I will give you bad grades

Make me your sex slave, teacher Nazira Rafei allegedly said

The Daily Telegraph
November 11, 2008 03:20pm
A MELBOURNE teacher accused of urging a student to treat her like "a sex slave" threatened to "stuff up" his marks if he ended the relationship, a court has been told.
High school teacher Nazira Rafei, 26, is charged with sexual penetration of a child under 16 and committing an indecent act with a child under 16. She has pleaded not guilty.

The student's best friend told the court the student had told him the female teacher gave him love bites.
"That is when they were probably having sex,'' he said.

Police allege the relationship began in February when the pair exchanged romantic songs.
It is alleged that on one occasion the student climbed through his bedroom window to meet up with the teacher, he got into her car and they parked at a secluded location.

Court documents say that while in the car, the student laid on top of the teacher, with the teacher instructing him to "treat me like I'm your sex slave, abuse me, tell me to shut the f up and to pinch ... my nipples". A few days later when Rafei was on a teachers' strike, she went to the student's house, blindfolded him, and again urged him to "treat her as his sex slave", it is alleged. They then allegedly had sex on the student's bed.

Documents tendered to the court allege she formed a relationship with the victim when they started exchanging music then SMS messages.
The pair kissed and hugged during secret meetings in her car and later had sex in the teen’s bedroom, the boys claim. In May Ms Rafei allegedly gave the boy the answers to an upcoming trigonometry test but when he said he couldn’t memorize all the answer, she allegedly completed the test for him.

She allegedly told him to rub out her handwriting and copy it in his own, saying in a note “Anything to see you smile”. Ms Rafei, who appeared in court wearing a Muslim hijab and long black skirt, wept as her former principal told the court she had been a dedicated and well-liked teacher.

He told the court Ms Rafei had not worn traditional head coverings or dress while teaching.
Ms Rafei told police she had never been to the boy’s house and denied having sex or being intimate with him. Rafei has been ordered to appear in the Victorian County Court for a directions hearing on November 24.

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