

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Obama's Helen Jones-Kelly and Joe the Plumber

Is Joe the Plumber Barack Obama's "“Civilian National Security Force” first victim ?

I don't think so, In my opinion the Socialist's just wanted to make a public example of their despised aspirational middle / working class, so emboldened are they by their own cheer squad, the MSM, they simply could not help themselves.

I can just imagine the party officials discussing how to screw Joe where it hurts, and so keep him occupied with matters other than "disrespecting the Messiah" by asking him questions "designed to cause fear or worry amongst the correct thinking people of the USA" "hey guys lets have some fun with Joe", "who the hell does this white,uppity blue collar male think he
is ?"

Was it decided that Joe and all those he represents simply had to be taught a lesson, lest he and other such incorrect thinkers, ask more questions of the Messiah that should not be asked by any unselfish American citizen, let alone by a Plumber who sees nothing wrong with Independence,enterprise and personal effort and personal responsibility, back in your hole Joe.

So far Joe the Plumber is still alive and in good health, he has suffered death threats, and a demand for him to be killed from a left loon radio announcer in San Francisco following his encounter with Mr Obama.

How many more Helen Jones-Kelly's are there in the US public service ? maybe she is the first public face of Mr Obama's new elite “Civilian National Security Force.” whose brief will be to change the worlds opinion of America , code for convincing the United Nations/ Eurabia and the rest of the worlds despots that just like their once free people, America's will soon be under the boot heel of international socialism.

Before the November 2007 Australian federal election, deputy Labor Party leader and former leftist activist (left wing ratbag & loon) Julia Gillard enunciated her desire to see Union Offices in every suburb, so as to monitor "working families" and ensure their rights are always maintained, I wondered what other matters these socialist (and Labor party fund raisers) "monitors" would concern themselves with, just as Helen Jones- Kelly has taken it upon herself to investigate the private life of Joe the Plumber.....

The Messiah's “Civilian National Security Force.” clearing their heads of bad thought with hymn's to their new Master ?

Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.
French author, humanist, rationalist, & satirist (1694 - 1778)

....well she did didn't she? take it upon herself I mean.... or did a superior higher up in the "civilian army" / Democratic Party tap her on the shoulder and simply hand her a piece of paper with Joe's name on it and instructions to give him something else to think about.

If Helen Jones -Kelly acted alone and out of a sense of loyalty to Mr Obama she should be dismissed.

If Helen Jones -Kelly was instructed to do a number on Joe the Plumber she should tell us who ordered her to do it and then she should be dismissed.

Helen Jones-Kelly should also be thoroughly investigated to see if she has violated any state or federal laws regarding privacy issues and prosecuted till the cows come home.

Political Correctness and the cult of Multiculturalism have shut down debate and made the western world defenceless against those whose admitted objectives are to destroy the western world and Judeo / Christian civilization.

Could Mr Obama's planned “Civilian National Security Force.” be the new hands on enforcers of "correct thought"
and will Helen Jones-Kelly be revered or scorned for exposing the purpose of this new 'civilian army" so public so soon or was she simply doing what she was told... like all good servants of the Socialist / Humanist manifesto are want to do in order to show their loyalty to Messiah / Dear Leader.

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