

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Pamela Anderson's letter to Barack Obama

Pamela Anderson writes on marijuana, vegetarianism to Obama

The Daily Telegraph
November 20, 2008 09:30am

PAMELA Anderson has penned a clumsily written letter to President-elect Barack Obama on topics like Guantanamo Bay, marijuana legalisation, and vegetarianism. Anderson's letter to the President-elect is frank and straightforward, with spelling mistakes, clumsy phrasing poor punctuation.

Dear Mr. Obama:

My thoughts/hopeful ideas-:

-Free Leonard Peltier- This injustice is just breeding Hate and discrimination.

It would be very meaning ful to the Native American people and all of us ho have watched and been saddened by a broken system (There are too many people in jail that dont need to be there-it IS a broken system- that enrages more people than it helps) - not saying that there aren't people who need to be jailed while determining their fate- but Jail should be a holding cell for justice and not a lifelong waste of taxpayers money to run a spa for criminals-how does this improve society?

Especially when there are real threats to our most precious citizens -our children- in most cases child molesters are walking free.

Government must Castrate every molester-or potential molester- error on the safe side- if any child pornography is found in anyones possession-or anyone creating such atrocities-or if any child Is brave enough to come forward (at any young age to bring attention to a potential molester- listen) they need to be taken very seriously and see that justice is served-The abuse is way worse than any trial could be- our children need more protection and justice seen.

It needs to be PREVENTED not just punished.

I think we should Legalize Marijuana, tax and monitor -farm Hemp etc-this would make our borders less corrupt and then I think eventually this will be more secure option and save children in the long run we should be able to farm Hemp in America- its just silly it would create jobs- and be good for environment.

Bring our Troops home safely- Stop the killing and work with Veterans to secure a peaceful way world wide-using their 1st hand wisdom lovingly across all borders together.

It is not a war Economy anymore- obviously-

Stop all these garbage, wasteful and ineffective ,ancient animal tests (from 80 years ago?)- create a REAL working dedicated and active group of people assigned to this issue- science is suppose to be progressive?

We need to get with it- update like Europe has its an embarrassment and nobody wishes this senseless cruelty to go on.

Please get rid of this private insurance and private health care system- its corrupt and doesnt work-

Government should take over both those areas- supplying secure government jobs where people are dedicated to their job and it is a proven system- Canada etc- supplying proper insurance to everyoneIt's much easier and government should supply these services for the taxes we pay- we would all be protected- pharmaceuticals would be affordable- to those that need it/especially our elderly- see that everyone has car insurance (there should not be an uninsured driver on the road) and health insurance- the same for everyone- isnt this what we pay taxes for?

Promote vegetarianism-which would help end world hunger- crack down on factory farming that is killing the environment and slaughtering so many animals- wastefully and carelessly and its unhealthy/and its just impractical- to think this is monitored/regulated effectively..

Please Shut down Guantanamo Bay-figure it out- make amends/stop torture- its time for peaceful solutions- and cooperation world wide sharing resources and protecting each other- education, missionary work- bring the world together help each other- with resources now- its considered a very small place- We are each others keeper no matter what side of the border we were born-nobody is less than.

And if people are hard working why can't they work and pay taxes in America- if they have no criminal record- why do we have illegal immigration it should be made easier for people to work here- all they want to do is work- some Americans sure have a sense of entitlement thats unhealthy, unwise and selfish at times

Thank God its a new day!

Anderson also recommended reading to the President Elect, which included:

*The Shock Doctrine by Naomi Klein

*Crimes Against Nature by Robert Kennedy

I for one cannot see what all the indecision is about regarding appointing Hillary Clinton to the position of Secretary of State, I think that Pamela Anderson would more adequately represent all that President Elect Barack Obama and his legions of followers stand for than Hillary Clinton could ever hope to do.

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