

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Bashing my head against a brick wall?

Aussie News & Views & Xtreak,formerly Move Digital

The email below,sent via Xtreak, formerly Move Digital file storage's "contact us" section on their web site is one of many sent via the same method over the past three months or more to this company.
I received ONE reply, telling me all was well & whats my problem?
The irony is that I want to use this company's services, they are by far NOT the cheapest providers of on line file storage providers,however I found them to be reliable and when the company was called Move Digital it worked!!!

If this company no longer wants my business (or yours) then is it asking too much for me to expect them to tell me they don't so I can make other arrangements ?

Xtreak, formerly Move Digital

cc. Aussie News & Views

Hello! (again)
I have made numerous contact with you via this 'contact us" facility on your site and have not received ANY replies other than to say my account is in order despite the fact I am unable to access it.

I have tried tonight to access my account to be denied access yet again and told that my account has expired.

Would you please reply to my PREVIOUS emails and advise me what it is I have to do to access my account with your company.


Web page reply

1. Your contact request was successfully submitted. A representative from Xtreak will contact you shortly by email or phone. Thank you.

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