

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Johm Howard Man of Steel receives US Medal of Honour

Bush honours 'man of steel' John Howard

The Daily Telegraph

January 14, 2009

JOHN Howard has been presented with America's highest civilian award by George W. Bush.
The former prime minister grinned as the US President placed the Presidential Medal of Freedom around his neck this morning.

He was honoured at the White House along with former British prime minister Tony Blair and Colombian President Alvaro Uribe.

Mr Bush said all three were good friends to the US.

"They are the sort of guys who look you in the eye, and tell you the truth and keep their word."

He told them: "You'll always be welcomed in our country. And we hope to have you come down and visit us in Texas.

"As you probably have heard, we're changing addresses here in a little less than seven days."

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