

Friday, January 30, 2009

Caution Talk Back Radio callers

Caution when calling "Talk Back " Radio.

Hello Aussie,

I want you to know about my experience re calling Sydney's # 1 Radio station 2GB.

I called the station and spoke to Frank Crook one Saturday morning some weeks back, I spoke negatively about Obama, I was derided and quickly cut off.

I phoned back in order to finish off what I wanted to say, I was repeatedly cut off by the call screener who I later identified himself as Mark Kennedy.
I was not allowed to finish my call to Frank Crook,I was not reconnected, I was however told that the New South Wales Police would be informed of "your details" by Mark Kennedy should I call 2GB again.

The right of Frank Crook and 2GB to decide what type of political calls go to air is certainly their perogative and whilst I would like to have unfettered acces to their air waves I understand that whilst they generally fall to the left point of view they do indeed give the majority viewpoint a reasonable hearing over "their" airwaves.

What I found unsetling, to say the least, was the threat of my "details" been forwarded to the New South Wales Police Department should I not stop calling 2GB.

2GB's majority owner, John Singleton, is a self confessed Australian Labor Party supporter and multi millionaire, callers to 2GB's open line talk back should be aware that should they want to offer, as in my case, a negative opinion of the now US President Barack Obama,or enunciate a negative opinion of Obama's Australian based # 1 sychophant and apologist, Australian Labor Party leader Kevin Rudd that it could be that their "details" could very well be forwarded to the New South Wales Police Department.

As of time of writing I have not been visited by the NSW Police Department or am I aware of any action taken by them against me because of my call to Frank Crook & radio 2GB, however I find it unsettling to think that a radio station that promotes itself as a voice of the majority, and voice of the people, would threaten to forward my or anyone elses "details" to the New South Wales Police Force when it deemed my / our views were contrary to the views of the station management or their presenter.

Caution remember when calling a talk back radio station and talking on air on whatever subject your "details" as in your phone number and name are retained by the station on their computer data base, they have your name and address and phone number in their data base that can be given to any one they deem should have have it along with the content of your call to them or any other data that the call screener or presenter deems fit to enter against your "DETAILS"

Cheers ANON.


  1. Anonymous7:41 AM

    Mark Kennedy has since been "boned" by 2GB over racist remarks. Please see the following link for more details.

    Justice in disguise perhaps?

  2. Anonymous7:27 AM

    Mark Kennedy on Sydney's 2GB was hated by a very senior presenter at 2gb who wanted to see him gone. What was said by Mr Kennedy is considered mainstream in my language. I would have gone further.
