

Sunday, January 04, 2009

Islamic Assassins and terrorists supporters rampage through Sydney streets .

Purpose Bred Islamic Assassins rampage through Sydney streets in a show of support for "Palestinian" Terrorists

Again note the desecration of the Australian Flag "Guilt by Association" with these Godless savages,this is the flag of a nation founded and made possible by all the Religious and cultural beliefs that these Godless swine have vowed to destroy the moment it is within their power to do so,these Assassins are in our country for one purpose and one purpose only to do what they and their parents and grand parents and those before them did to the various Islamic countries they ran away from, make Australia like the Islamic nations that spawned them,unfit for human habitation.

I have to admit it is comforting to know that Annie "
I used to be lunatic from the gracious days" & "I may be mad I may be blind I may be viciously unkind " Lennox, and Bianca Jagger and that doyen of social justice and all that is morally correct in the world "Mad Red" Ken Livingston are on the job doing whatever they can for the cause of peace,as if.

I noted that the medias coverage of the counter pro Israeli protest was at least the best part of 3 seconds.. I guess the media would rather see salivating Satan worshiping savages and their demonic off spring on the television screens of the nation delivering their Islamic leftist supported message of PEACE.
I know where the medias support lies in the "Palestinian cause" I wonder where they think average Australia's support lies? I mean EVEN the lefts media created celebrity & grade 4 Queensland public servant, and now Labor PM,Kevin 07, says he believes in God, or was that just an election line thrown to the "Working Families" ?

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