

Monday, January 12, 2009

Thousands rally for Israel world wide

Support for Israel grows world wide

Thousands world wide rally for Israel

Towards the end of this video you will see the "usual suspects" aka "Pious Peace Loving Muslims" and their supporters, engaged in their usual rants and acts of urban terrorism, their behavior is in stark contrast to the behavior of the Jews and their supporters, a classic case of Garbage IN Garbage OUT, clearly exposure to the "Holy Koran" does have some rather un Godly consequences, unbridled blood lusting savagery been just one.

Former British PM Tony Blair was reported as saying the other day, that he reads the Koran daily and can understand how Islam became such a civilizing influence on the world,based on the behavior,writings and verbalised threats to mankind by Islams finest, almost 24/7 clearly the definition of civilizing has changed, to this day surely it cannot be argued that the Islamic nations are leaders in the subjugation of men and women and the greatest oppressors of mankind leaving Communist / Socialist nations green with envy.

I believe that Mr Blair is now some sort of Middle Eastern liaison officer, (Islam apologist ?) perhaps that's why he is reading the Koran in an effort to get some street cred with Islamic Mobsters he has deal with

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