

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Australian Bush Fires: See what Islamists "took joy " in

Jihadists revel in our misery

Eleni Hale
Sunday Herald Sun
February 15, 2009 12:00am

JIHADISTS are celebrating the worst tragedy in Victoria's history.

Terror watchdogs said fundamentalists had blogged on websites across the globe, applauding the lives lost and destruction.

Senior analyst at SITE Intelligence Group Adam Raisman said they were posting pictures of burnt homes and devastated victims and"taking joy in the scenes".

One jihadist wrote: "It would be an act of revenge for Australian's participation in the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq."

Bushfires victims said they were stunned.

What warms the heart of a "Good Muslim" see the video below.

"We're minding our own business and trying to cope with all this and they are celebrating our suffering," said Denise McCann who lost her home in the Kinglake blaze.

Regional Islamic Council vice-president Dr Ameer Ali said the comments did not represent the wider Muslim community.

"They have no idea what they are talking about," he said.

I found the apologists for Islam writing to the letters to the editor at the Herald Sun
true to form eg
"This is an unnecessary and dangerously incendiary article. How stupid and pointless to stir up anti-Muslim sentiment at a time when emotions are running high and there's so much good will and community support to be celebrated." Posted by: Deborah Bartlett Pitt 9:53am today
Dont ya just luv em? If only people would not tell us what Islam is and does they wont hurt us.

Eight victims of the Victoria fires found huddled around baby's body

By Stephen McMahon, Matt Johnston and Ruth Lamperd
The Courier-Mail
February 14, 2009 05:29pm

DISASTER victim identification teams combing Victoria have found large groups of bodies, including one with eight bodies huddled to protect a baby.
Australians have been warned to brace for more bad news on bushfire death as more shocking details of the Victoria fires are revealed.

DVI experts are still combing the worst-affected areas and Detective Inspector Bob Sitlington said patience was needed to enable accurate records of victims to be collected, The Courier Mail reported.

"It is slow but we want to positively identify victims, the last thing we would want to do is misidentify," he said.

Insp Sitlington said he had been with team members in Kinglake yesterday, where earlier in the week experts found horrific scenes, including eight bodies huddled around a baby's body.

"There was a multiple death in a group, and from what I understand they were trying to protect a baby," he said.

"We prayed as a Family and said our good bye's.......he said to me, Marice ...I am sorry baby, I thought we were safe...................'
As well as
Incredible video of one family's escape from death

Sorry,Allah,nothing for you or your Muslim followers to smile about in this video.

"We don't know exactly what happened. Imagine what people naturally do, they tend to cuddle ... and to protect each other, and with the intensity of the fire we do find sometimes bodies are fused together."

The total death toll from the blazes that ripped through the central highlands and Gippsland last Saturday still stands at 181.

The Victorian Coroner is prepared for as many as 300 bodies, Police Commissioner Christine Nixon said.

On Friday, police said 1831 houses had been destroyed and more than 7000 people had been made homeless.

A 39-year-old man has been charged in relation to the Churchill fire in south Gippsland which killed 21 people.

Asbestos is causing problems for victim identification teams and residents have been warned about going through suspicious areas of their homes.

All residents also have been given gloves and masks for safety.

Insp Sitlington said teams were doing their best in difficult circumstances.

"Having 1800 houses, all those deceased that were found in cars or in the open have been dealt with, and now it's a slower way of moving around," he said.

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