

Saturday, February 07, 2009

Arrest in Mike Smith death threat case "Your head is on a plate. You're going to be dead soon, racist bitch."

Many thanks to Heather for sending this to me,If you are going to threaten to murder someone don't do it via a telephone especially to a radio or television station, better still don't do it at all,just pretend you are a part of the human race and step into the 21st century with all the privileges and RESPONSIBILITIES that entails.
I wont at this stage make any comment as to weather the arrested man is a member of any of Australia's " rich tapestry of cultural diversity " tribes, or indeed a member of the "Religion of Peace" until I know that to be the case.

Hiya Aussie....just thought I'd pass this one on to you.

The mongrel who made death threat via phone to Brisbane radio announcer was arrested...comes from Eight Mile Plains which is just a little south of Brisbane & is now the muslim capital of sth/est Qld. Going back quite a few years it used to be a very quiet farming area...not anymore unfortunately. I hadn't been up that way for some time until recently & omg hardly recognised the area at all with all their mosques everywhere. I think that is one of the major problems with the way they're buying up huge areas of land all throughout major cities/towns across Australia.

Cheers H.

Man arrested over death threat to 4BC's Mike Smith

By Robyn Ironside
February 04, 2009 11:00pm

POLICE have arrested a man who allegedly made death threats to a Brisbane radio announcer who criticised women who wear Muslim veils.
4BC Drive presenter Michael Smith allegedly received the threat on January 16 after he suggested Muslim women who wear face coverings in public posed a security risk.

The expletive-riddled recorded message said: "Your head is on a plate. You're going to be dead soon, racist bitch."

A 47-year-old man was arrested at his home at Eight Mile Plains on Brisbane south side after his phone number was traced by detectives.

He was charged with using a carriage service to menace, harass or cause offence and is due to appear in Brisbane Magistrate's Court on February 19.

Michael Smith 4BC, Australian Retailers call for Muslim Hijab Ban

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