

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

One Million Australian Native Animals sacrificed on the Green Loons alter of Environmentalism & Junk Science.

With conservative estimates, of over one million native animals, like Koala Sam, been burnt alive and or suffocating in the Victorian bush fires, surely it's time Australians caste the Greens,Environmentalists and their associated Leftist Loon followers into the sea with millstones tied around their necks.. did I mention the 181 men women and children,Australians,just like the Roland Family,who, so far we know have died the same way as Sam nearly did, with estimates of over 200 more Australians yet to be confirmed?

Somebody hide Koala Sam before these Godless,Earth Worshiping, ignorant swine,find out she survived.

Australian Koala Bear,burnt in the name of Greens Junk Science.

Greens Fuel Victorian Bush Fires

Australian Bush Fires:Exhausted &Thirsty Koala Bear receives water from Fire Fighter

Australian Bush Fires:Memories of Canberra blaze rekindled

The Eco Con that keeps on taking

Koala Sam receives treatment for burnt feet and meets her CFA rescuer

Remember the people responsible for the plight of this "Koala Sam" and thousands of others like her, demand you believe under threat of legal sanction, their Junk Science of Anthropagenic Global Warming, and that Islam is a Religion of Peace.

The Roland Family, MISSING, believed DEAD.

Greens Trophy? Heterosexual Married couple with Children

David Packham OAM

Leader of the Australian Greens,Bob Brown, left,(I am not joking ), with "life partner" Paul.

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