

Saturday, February 07, 2009

Malcolm Turnbull Australian federal opposition leader on Stimulus package

I sit here in Australia watching President Obama spruiking the same drivel that Prime Minister Rudd is rolling out every ten minutes, telling anyone who will listen, how his stimulus package will save Australia from the jaws of economic death.
There is of course one catch to Australia's very own messiah and change agent's rescue package, and that is it has to happen NOW, better still yesterday, but at the very latest NOW.
Rudd's master plan must not /cannot be debated or scrutinised by the Australian Parliament, it simply must be implemented immediately, and any opposing opinion is simply un Australian and the work of mischief makers and CAPITALISTS, or as Kevin 07 says "extreme Capitalism" that's not to be confused with, what I am sure, Kevin 07 would describe as "good" , "socialist" or "honourable" capitalism of the kind,that manifested the hundreds of millions of dollars his and his wife's various companies are now the beneficiaries of.

I have to wonder is Kevin 07 "I have never been a socialist" Rudd, giving or receiving orders from / to President "yes we can" Obama, I keep wondering who is the student and who is the pupil, they are both in the "time for change business" code for, amongst many things, bypassing the democratic process and implementing the agenda of International Socialism.

6 2 09 Rudd on a Dangerous, Ill-Informed Crusade

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