

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Kevin Rudd Gives away $75 million to Gazan Islamic terrorists and their supporters

Rudd hands another $20m to Gaza recovery
February 28, 2009 10:44pm

THE federal government will give a further $20 million to help with the recovery and reconstruction of Gaza.

The new funding is an addition to $10 million provided in January for emergency and humanitarian relief through United Nations and international and Australian non-governmental organisations.

A 22-day Israeli offensive against Hamas militants in the Gaza Strip ended on January 18 after causing massive devastation and killing more than 1300 Palestinians.

It's not funny you moron!!!!!
Please, someone tell this arse clown idiot in search of a village, Australian Prime Minister, to stop giving away millions upon millions of Australian Taxpayers hard earned money to United Nations sponsored Muslim Terrorists and their Muslim supporters.
Australians are dieing in hospitals because of inadequate treatment due to staff and equipment shortages,Australian women are delivering their own dead babies into toilet bowls alone after been told to squat on waiting room floors until they can be attended to, all this is happening in the middle of Sydney,as Labor's Medi DONT Care health system rots away before their eyes, and this GOOSE, this incompetent FOOL gives away $75 Million to people who HATE our GUTS and have sworn to eliminate "Infidels" like us, ie anyone who is not a Muslim, from the planet
God Help us!!!

See how Australian Taxpayers hard earned money is used
Rudd's Messiah President Obama has promised $900 million of US taxpayers moneyto help theses savages re arm and re supply

In a statement released by Foreign Minister Stephen Smith's office on Saturday, it was announced the new funding will be committed at an international donors conference on the recovery of Gaza in Egypt on Monday.

Assessments of damage to infrastructure in Gaza are continuing, the statement said.

United Nations agencies report widespread damage to vital infrastructure, resulting in a lack of shelter and energy, deterioration of water and sanitation services and overcrowding.

It is estimated 100,000 people are displaced and living in shelters.

The Australian government has committed $75 million to the Palestinian territories since December 2007.

More of the infamous members of the Religion of PEACE and what Australian Taxes are funding

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