

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Sydney's Occupied Territories: Rape victim too distraught to speak after video

Rape victim too distraught to speak after video

By Larissa Cummings
The Daily Telegraph
March 21, 2009 12:00am

A TEENAGE girl who woke up next to one of the notorious "K" brothers with her underwear missing and her skirt hitched up is too frightened to watch the video that forced her attacker to admit he sexually assaulted her.

MRK, one of four Pakistani brothers in jail for a spree of sex attacks on teenage girls in 2002, was 17 when he was filmed indecently touching and assaulting the unconscious 15-year-old.

In the footage, MRK directs the person holding the camera where to film as he repeatedly violates the girl.

Despite claiming he has no recollection of the offences, MRK, now 24, pleaded guilty in December to two counts of aggravated sexual assault after he was shown the video evidence.

An agreed statement of facts tendered to the District Court at MRK's sentencing hearing yesterday said the incident happened after the girl watched the 2002 Mardi Gras parade with the brothers in the city.

Afterwards, she went with them to their Ashfield home where they plied her with alcohol until she grew dizzy, vomited and passed out. She woke the next morning to find MRK next to her in bed, her skirt around her waist and her underwear on the floor.

Nine months later, police discovered footage of the girl being molested by MRK on one of several video cassettes found in a search of the brothers' home.

The girl has told police she refuses to view the assault because she is "ashamed of what it might contain".

MRK was charged in December 2002, but before his trial the girl told police she did not want the prosecution to proceed and charges were dropped.

In July 2007, three months before MRK - who was serving 10 years - was eligible to be released on parole, police charged him with two counts of aggravated sexual assault and three counts of aggravated indecent assault after the girl provided a further statement.

He will be sentenced this month.

MRK is in Goulburn's supermax prison where he has asked to be kept in protection, the court heard. "Some of his brothers were brutally bashed last year . . . and he holds great fears for his safety," lawyer Phillip Young said.

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