

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Trinity Catholic College in Auburn Trashed by Machete-wielding teens aka Pacific Islander Thugs

Machete-wielding teens go on school rampage

Joe Kelly and Natalie O'Brien March 02, 2009
The Australian

THREE teenage boys armed with a machete and a tomahawk allegedly went on a rampage in a western Sydney school today.

The teenagers, aged from 15 to 17, allegedly ran into Trinity Catholic College in Auburn this morning, smashing windows, noticeboards and a car while screaming the name of a male student.

The school was put into lockdown after the three boys allegedly stormed into the school from Alice Street at about 8.15am.

Last night they were charged with three counts of malicious damage, being armed with intent to commit a serious indictable offence, stealing, two counts of assault and affray.

The rampage follows a similar attack last year when a gang of five boys stormed into Merrylands High School, also in Sydney's west, armed with a machete, a sword and baseball bats. They smashed 103 windows and caused more than $26,000 damage. Those teenagers, aged from 14 to 17, were jailed for up to 16 months.

The three teenage boys involved in the incident were refused bail and are due to appear in the Parramatta Children's Court today.

The Court Appearance

A Year 10 student, who described the alleged target as his best friend, told The Australian he believed the incident was a payback for a failed romance at the western Sydney school.

“They were after my best friend ... I was with him and a few others doing homework on the table and they were around the corner screaming out his name,” said the boy, who declined to be named.

He speculated they were the cousins of his friend's ex-girlfriend.

He said the girlfriend, also in Year 10, had been happy in the relationship.

“They broke up (and) the guys got angry at him cause she was so happy with him,” the friend said.

He said the relationship had lasted for “about a year” but had ended sometime in the past two months. “My friend doesn't like to talk about it,” he said.

Students at Trinity College who were arriving for the 8.30am start were ushered for safety through the staff room into a study centre.

One Year 12 student said students and staff had been screaming and running. She said some teachers had jumped over the fence to get away.

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