

Friday, March 13, 2009

Why do "Infidel" women marry Muslim men ? Marnie Pearce might be able, one day to tell us.

Marnie Pearce, mother of two, jailed over a cup of tea

The Daily Telegraph
March 13, 2009 07:36am

A BRITISH mother of two is being held in jail after being found guilty of adultery - for having a cup of tea with a male friend.

Marnie Pearce, 40, had separated from her Egyptian husband Ihab El-Labban when he burst into her Dubai home and found her drinking tea with another man.

Mr El-Labban now has custody of their two children - Ziad, 4, and Laith, 7 - and former classroom assistant Ms Pearce fears she may never see them again because she will be deported as soon as she is released.

Amnesty International says Ms Pearce, who has lived in Dubai for 15 years, is "a prisoner of conscience".

Mr El-Labban made the claim of adultery - which is a crime in the strict Muslim country - during a custody battle over the boys.

Ms Pearce, who denies a physical relationship with the man, went on the run with the boys but eventually gave herself up and handed the sobbing children over before her case was heard and she was sentenced.

"She should be immediately and unconditionally released," Amnesty's UK representative Tim Hancock said.

"The rights of these two young children are in serious danger of being forgotten in the dispute between their parents. The boys should be allowed to express their own opinion on what should happen to them."

One appeal was dismissed, although a court did agree to reduce her original six-month sentence to three months.

A verdict on her most recent appeal is expected by March 16.

What do you think?

What do I think? I think if I have to see another story of a Woman from the civilized world who chose to marry a follower of the "Religion of Peace" telling us that it all went hay wire I will have to say , yet again, well what the F**k did you think was going to happen?
Did she think she was going to live happily ever after?
Did she think there was such a thing as "Islamic barbarism light", or "Islamic sociopaths Inc.home edition" ?
Did she think the Koran was an invention of right wing extremists who wrote it to make the followers of the Religion of Peace look bad ?

If all of the above was the case it would would make me think she was uninformed, and if that was the case, well, I ask why was she uninformed, but I guess not every woman in the civilized world is aware of the Islamic menace, and I have the utmost sympathy for her, and wish her well and hope she gets her freedom, and HER children back as soon as possible, however there is a piece of me that says maybe she is one of those "enlightened liberal western" apologists for Islam, and maybe was determined to prove the "fallacy" of Islam NOT been a "Religion of Peace", if this
Marnie Pearce is of the latter, then I hope she survives her time in the Religion of Peace's Jails and hope she is able to remember the faces of her children, for she has reaped what she has sown, by marrying a member of Sociopaths Inc. aka the 'Religion of Peace"
And don't ya just love the Muslim controlled, Irene Khan, Amnesty Internationals Tim Hancock's, confected outrage "She should be immediately and unconditionally released," these are the same mob of useless arse clowns who spend the majority of their time lecturing the civilized world on morals and human rights whilst demanding the civilized world RESPECT and tolerate the barbarism and savagery of the cult of the Islamic third world and every other piece of useless third world SHIT that they are getting a stipend from in exchange for engratiating the status of said despot on the world stage.

I am sick of this shit how about YOU ????? I gotta get me a Fuckin Rifle, I can get a horse pretty quick, I just need a Rifle and a pet Croc, maybe a few Roo's and a Mookie Monster an Aussie Dog and I am outa here.

It's the Koran Stupid!!!!
Garbage IN Garbage OUT
It's no wonder there are a billion mentally deranged Sociopaths running around loose in the world,
If you told even a 1/4 of them to read the Koran
why would you be surprised at 911
What the F**k would you expect?

The "Holy" Koran has it all.

If I advocated the teachings of the Koran on this web site under the name of Catholicism or Judaism, Hinduism take your pick, this site would be shut down within 5 minutes.
Yet under the guise of ISLAM
I could say whatever I wanted to say about anyone.

The United Nations Rabid Mad Dog,
Let off the leash to do
International Socialism's dirty work.

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