

Saturday, March 07, 2009

Anna Bligh's contempt for Queensland voter

The following video clip is a good demonstration of the contempt that the "all wise" "all knowing" "compassionate" and "we know whats best for you" Socialist Government of Queensland has,for the Queensland people, the same people it was elected to represent not rule over.

The Queensland Labor Party leader Anna Bligh seems confused to say the least, when questioned by a voter on the campaign trail, she quickly reminded her (serf ?) that she was NOT a journalist and as such was not eligible to question her,it seems the former Union Official (ALP fund raiser) believes that only paid members of the Journalists Union (jugglers and clowns Union) are entitled to question her on matters relating to her and her Government's appalling governance of the State of Queensland.
Comrade Anna, has perhaps been spending too much time around fellow Queenslander and Federal Labor leader and Australian PM,Kevin 07 aka "I have never been a socialist" Rudd.

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