

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

"Australians for Hamas" and their Anti Semitic Play

Comrade Rudd's Australia 2009.

The usual cast of Rudd's actor "luvvies" and fellow Kate Blanchett 2020 Summiteers,aka.Australian Taxpayer funded idiots in search of a village,and assorted Labor Party and Union arse clowns, making their voices heard in support of their new best friends in Islamic Terrorism, "The Palestinians"

Something to warm the hearts of any Islamic Terrorist Loving, Hamas, "Palestinean" supporters,in the Australian Labor Party, Union Movement (ACTU), Multicultural Industry,arts community,this heartwarming "Palestinian" childrens Play showing the world that special kind of Love, that only "The Palestinians" seem to ba able to shower upon their babies.

And there is this:
Daryl Jones is an Australian volunteer aid worker duped by Palestinian propaganda propaganda to come to their aid but later realized that they were engaged in a bloodlust game to destroy the lives of children.

She recounts how Palestinians displayed photos of bodies, "gouged and pitted, torn. We were told this is from torture from the Israelis." Later, when she saw a Palestinian child blow up in front of her face, she realized that the ripped apart bodies were the result of human booby traps that the Palestinians used against the Israelis.

She was featured in "The Road to Jenin" film by French director Pierre Rehov.

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