

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Mohammad Invades the West Pt.2

Follow up video from the Atlas Shrugs post entitled Mohammad invades the West

Note the difference in the way the Australians are treated by the Department of Social Security as opposed to the way the Muslim and his "breeding cows" are treated.

Why the Left turns a blind eye to the Muhammad's of the West.

What is already happening in Europe.


  1. Anonymous2:53 AM

    This was a facinating video. Unfortunately, when it got to talking about Canada the video stopped working. Living in the US I was most interested in what was happening along our northern border, as well as, what might be instore for for my children.

  2. Thank you for dropping by Aussie News & Views.
    I have fixed the video and it's ready to view.
    Yours faithfully,
