

Friday, May 01, 2009

Saudi Arabia: 8 year Old Girl granted divorce from 50 year old man

Girl, 8, granted divorce - report
April 30, 2009 07:40pm

AN eight-year-old Saudi girl who was sold into marriage by her father has been given a divorce after an international outcry over the case, Saudi media reports.

The marriage of the girl to a man reportedly in his 50s was annulled on Wednesday in out-of-court settlement overseen by a new judge in the city of Onaiza, after the original judge in the case refused to bend to pressure to grant the divorce, several newspapers reported.

Riyadh newspaper said the settlement was reached after the intervention in the case by an unidentified "important personality".

The girl's father had sold her last year to the man in exchange for a dowry.

When her mother found out, she petitioned the court for a divorce for the girl.

The judge twice rejected her case - though he stipulated that the marriage could only be consummated after the girl attained puberty.

An appeals court sent the case back to the judge suggesting he reconsider, but he ruled again last week against divorce.

The case garnered strong criticism from international rights groups and foreign diplomats raised the issue quietly with the Saudi government, according to AFP sources.

UN Children's Fund executive director Anne Veneman said earlier this month that the child's rights were being violated.

"UNICEF joins many in voicing concern that child marriage contravenes accepted international standards of human rights," she said.

You see it IS one of the worlds "Great Religions" not only can an eight year old girl be SOLD to a 50 year old man, It also allows their mothers to petition the Court against it if they find out about the sale,and the civilized world has the opportunity to protest about it, so hey what was all the fuss about?

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