

Saturday, May 02, 2009

Swine Fever !!!! Breaking news!!! Satellites find source of Swine Fever out break.

Un named sources are saying that:

Heat and Virus seeking satellites have tracked the source of what is now known as the "Swine Fever" outbreak to a location in Saudi Arabia, known as Mecca.

World Health Organization officials say that a "Black Rock" that local legend claims to have "fallen from space" and has "mystical powers" associated with the Moon, is without doubt the source of the outbreak.

The "Space Junk" or "black rock" as seen by satellites orbiting far into space surrounded by the bodies of it 's unfortunate victims due to deadly toxic emissions.

Scientists say it is a simple matter of sending the black rock or "space junk" as it is commonly referred to, back into space and the threat to mankind will be eliminated.

Saudi authorities are negotiating with the World Health Organization for for a suitable replacement for their space junk, however Hussein Obowma has reminded them of their international responsibilities and urged them to act quickly and hand over the source of this most evil threat to mankind

Hussein Obowma has offered the Saudi King some rocks from his own personal collection of black rocks, space junk, sea shells, drift wood,dried leaves, baseball cards, bottle tops and other good stuff he keeps in a box under his bed, in exchange for the source of the Swine Fever outbreak, as a gesture of good faith to his masters in Saudi Arabia.

Teleprompter In Chief, Hussein Obowma
seen here bowing to the Saudi King Abdulla
on his recent
2009 "I hate America MORE than you do" world tour.

The UN is in lock down and no one was available to comment on any further developments at time of writing.

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