

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Australian Government silent on Iranian atrocities

Regarding the Iranian Governments attacks upon the internet to shut down communication with the outside world,whilst they bashed shot and killed Iranians.

In October 31 2008 I attempted to warn the American people of what Australia's very own "one" was implementing some 10 months after been elected on a media and "beautiful people" manufactured wave of "hope" and "change"

What was I warning the voters of the USA of ?

I was trying to warn them of Australia's "one" "hope" and "change" Kevin 07 Rudd, imposing the same internet restrictions as Iran, China, Cuba, North Korea have upon their citizens all in the name of PROTECTING us from ourselves and BAD internet content.

Americans BEWARE Australian internet to be CENSORED by Australian Labor Party

Scroll down in the above link to see the UN's plans for the Internet,as well read the present situation in Australia, see the right hand side bar of my page for the clickable picture of Kevin 07

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