

Monday, June 08, 2009

Sydney's Occupied Territories Erupt, News crews bashed

Man arrested after Sydney media attack

By Amy Dale
June 08, 2009 08:01am

A MAN has been arrested after a TV cameraman was hospitalised and a photographer was allegedly punched in the face in a vicious assault on Sydney media crews today.

Representatives from The Daily Telegraph, Channel 9, 10 and 7 were allegedly set upon in an unprovoked attack in the car park separating KFC and McDonalds in Five Dock shortly before 2am.
Two men, believed to be aged in their twenties, allegedly walked into the car park through a driveway and shouted obscenities, including racial taunts, before being asked to stop.

It was then they allegedly attacked, knocking Daily Telegraph photographer Bill Hearne to the ground with a punch to the mouth.

A third man allegedly jumped out of a car stopped at the McDonalds drive-through bay to join in the assault.

One of the cameramen was concussed after allegedly being hit in the face with a torch. He also sustained cuts and bruises to the face.

He was taken to Concord Hospital and will undergo scans this morning.

The assault lasted around five minutes, with officers from the Burwood Local Area Command as well as police from a nearby Highway Patrol quick to arrive on scene.

A man was arrested and taken to Burwood Police Station where he was charged with occasioning actual bodily harm, two counts of assault and one charge of affray.

Police are determining whether or not he will face court today, and will also be reviewing the CCTV footage of the incident.

There is more to this story, obviously Sydney's major TV and Newspaper staff don't by chance all end up in a car park at 2 am in the morning.

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