

Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Hoxton Park Residents vow to fight

Islamic school in court win, at Hoxton Park

By Vikki Campion, Urban Affairs Reporter
The Daily Telegraph
July 01, 2009 12:00am

AN 800-student Islamic school to be built in the middle of a housing estate has been given the final go-ahead as a raft of other rejected Islamic schools take their fight to the courts.

The new campus for one of NSW's top 10 schools, Malek Fahd Islamic, has been given a final nod to build in Sydney's southwest while at least three other Muslim schools struggle to set up amid thousands of objections.

Residents of Hoxton Park led a nine-month campaign of rallies, protests, petitions and letter-drops against the school but it was given approval by Liverpool Council on Monday night.

Residents believe another school will worsen daily commutes as narrow cul-de-sacs become major thoroughfares but Islamic groups fear there are racist undertones to the objections.

A 1200-strong Al Amanah College will be built in Bass Hill after it was twice knocked back by Bankstown Council - a decision later overturned by the Land and Environment Court.

And the 600 student Qaadiri school at Austral, which was knocked back by Liverpool Council, is due to go before the court this week.

Camden Council's rejection of the Quranic Society's 1200-student school at Camden was upheld last month.

Independent school development is slow, with only three in greater Sydney hitting planning tables each year.

NSW Association of Independent Schools executive director Geoff Newcombe said "traffic" had become code for "prejudice".

"It seems more than a coincidence that each time an Islamic school applies to set up, there are objections about traffic congestion," he said.

Most Islamic students go to public schools rather than try to squeeze in on a waiting list to one of only 14 Islamic institutions in Sydney. In the same area, there are 74 Anglican schools, 80 Christian, and 625 Catholic schools.

"There is a huge demand or we would not be doing this," said school spokesman Australian Federation of Islamic Councils president Ikebal Patel.

"It is better that we teach Muslim students in a controlled environment, with our vision vetted by the NSW Education Department, than have them educated in backyard garages."

Liverpool mayor Wendy Waller said roads would be widened to cope with extra traffic.

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