

Tuesday, July 07, 2009

I love America........ BUT

Please give me a break !!!!!!!!!!!!!

The worlds most famous Paedophile is DEAD... so what?

Michael Jackson is DEAD ........ what the F**K ?
so what I don't hear of any cure for Cancer been left in his will.

Get over it!!!!

Start DRIPPING TEARS OF BLOOD over the next American serviceman or woman who gets blown into a million pieces by some Godless Muslim Savage in Iraq or Afghanistan.

Give me a F*****g break here will ya?

Yes, not everything was perfect in his life , then neither was everything perfect in MINE,or YOURS or for that matter neither was / is, it perfect in the vast overwhelming majority of Mankind.

The biggest difference between the average Human and Michael Jackson, is that the average Human has not, and will never get the breaks, ie talent, that Michael Jackson had, and if they did they would not abuse the POWER that, that talent manifests by sleeping with other peoples children.

Fuck you Jackson, no wonder the Muslims bailed you out of you financial problems and thought you qualified as such a suitable convert.. ooops "revert"

Like many members of the 'beautiful people" sect he died as a result of personal gratification, he died as a result of pleasuring HIMSELF illegally with prescription drugs.

Prescription drugs that the average American would only dream of been able to access as freely as he was able to do so, for REAL medical complaints,let alone to simply satisfy a self induced addiction to same as Jackson was pathetically serving.

There was I am sure one or two songs by Jackson that I liked and enjoyed,although I am unable to name them this minute.
The earth will continue to turn and the sun will indeed rise with or without Michael Jackson's breath.
I wish Jackson well and indeed hope he is able to find the peace,and honor in his after life that escaped him in this this life.

Hey!!! I just remembered the song I really liked, it was called "Who's Fat", by Al some one or other, yeah, that was my favorite Michael Jackson hit song for sure.

PS. to all you Fox fans wondering why Fox is donating so much air time to Jackson and the associated Circus, it's because the owner of Fox,Rupert Murdoch OWNS Sony Music.

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