

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Iran: Aussie News & Views

I have previously stated on this and another blog,Atlas Shrugs,via the comments section, that I have no inclination to support the Iranians presently (since the Iranian Presidential election) in their struggle for 'freedom"

I have stated immediately following the "unrest" by what can only be described as very brave Iranians irrespective of their Religious or Political beliefs, are only Iranians demanding that the west support them in their struggle to overthrow the existing Islamic Despot with THEIR Islamic Despot, I made the point that should the "good guys" win in Iran that they would have no hesitation in doing to myself and my loved ones what they are demanding the west (USA) prevent the successful Iranian Presidential candidate is doing to them should it suit their Religious / Social/ and Political Agenda.

The recent history has shown that the "matyers" in Iran are made up of the Christians, who I am yet to be convinced, are in any way capable of changing anything under any Islamic Republic and the Muslims who don't like the present NUT Job and want THEIR NUT Job, in charge of the Islamic KILLING Machine that operates in Iran totally free of and unencumbered by the UN's and the Lefts "Human Rights" Bull Shit.

Lets say Ah Ma Dinner Jacket,decides that it's all too much and calls the United Nations and asks for Ban Koo Moon or whatever the fuck his made up name is, and says "Hey Moon I am outa here,I don't need this shit I am back to the Carribean to retire"

Nothing would change, Oh yeah there would hundreds of thousands of "freedom fighters" marching through the streets of Tehran claiming "Victory" and the next day the same "freedom fighters" would be cheering their /the next Islamic Sociopath as he was inducted into Islamic Sociopaths Inc.aka the President of Iran, the only difference been that the latest Islamic Sociopath agreed with THEIR way that Islamic Sociopaths Inc.should be run, for the Iranian Christians and Jews it would be BUSINESS as Usual.

Or am I wrong? If I am, show me why I am wrong, If I am not,then why is Israel not bombing the fuck out of Iran? and why is it that the over whelmingly majority of Iranians who "escape" from Iran to the west are Muslims,how come the occasional Jew or Christian is unable to slip through the 'fence" ?
How come the only Iranians that manage to 'escape" to the West,and upon their arrival / discovery, in the west demand that their "new home" be turned into the same Islamic cess pool they claim to have run away from because they were oppressed?

Islam can only exist as an Oppressive Majority or as a Disruptive Minority

Just what can the "West" do for the Iranians who are opposed to the rule of the present Islamic Sociopath? how can the "west" facilitate the imposition of THEIR Islamic Sociopath of choice? how many infidel soldiers lives should be donated to the cause of facilitating /imposing an Islamic Sociopath of the dissidents choosing?

Islam IS what Islam DOES

The "Problem" in Iran,is Islam,the Islamic "Donkey's" ideology and "spiritual" beliefs will remain CONSTANT, irrespective of the "Jockey" who's turn it is to ride the Donkey.

It's time to shoot the Donkey!!!!

and stop demanding those who have rejected the Donkeys ideology, die fighting FOR the Donkey.

Nazism is illegal in almost every FREE country on earth, Adolph Hitler & Nazisms co conspirator, Islam, is applauded, sanctioned and praised by the United Nations,The President of the United States of America, Barack Hussein Obama, it exists without sanction and indeed is praised by the President of the United States of America,Barack Hussein Obama as a "Religion"that should be respected and honoured.
I can only assume that had the Islamists been defeated in WW2 Hussein Obama would be telling us what a great bunch of guys the Nazi's are today and how much we should respect their ideals and values and that Adolph Hitler was some kind of "prophet"

In closing can some "Black American" tell me why "Black Americans" appear to have such a subservient and apologetic relationship with Muslims /Islam? ,Islam within the USA and outside the USA, and at the same time demand that 21st Century white NON Muslim Americans pay "Black Americans" some recompense for their ancestral slavery, can I ask why these 21st Century "Black Americans" are not suing the shit out of the same 21st Century descendants of the ISLAMIC SLAVE TRADERS that captured their ancestors in Africa, processed them and wholesaled them into slavery in the USA, the Middle East and England.

Better still why are "Black Americans" silent TODAY when what it is so many of them are demanding White America pay them compensation for,is, as I write taking place NOW, by the descendants of the same Islamic Slave Traders they claim abducted their ancestors,
Why was it wrong THEN but NOT WRONG NOW?

George Clooney where are you ?

Oh!! that's right, Italy,THREE MONTHS AFTER an earth quake in Italy,paying homage to the victims at the same time your US President of choice is sucking up to the Pope and the G8, Oh yeah Clueless you are wanting to film a movie in the same town as the earthquake victims in a few weeks arn't you?, gee those earth quake victims are a real pain in the arse, just as well you did a meet and greet and showed them homeless wogs what a great guy you are.

Where is Hussein Obama and his UN sponsored Cheer squad when African Africans (is that what the left would call them?) need an advocate for slave reparations today?
I guess Hussein Obama and his followers can get by by kicking the shit out of whitey on the fourth of July. after all 28 million "African Americans"are now in charge, you got that Whitey? Good , now, if you still have a job go back to work.

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