

Monday, August 24, 2009

Gang Rape of 15 year old,Pillage and Plunder,in Sydney’s Occupied Territories


Evil rapist brothers locked up

By Rhys Haynes
The Daily Telegraph
August 20, 2009

THEY were brothers who teamed up for a terrifying week-long rampage of rape and robbery.

But when Abraham Hzaife, 39, was sentenced to 15 years in jail yesterday and Ahmed Hzaife, 22, got 14 years, they showed vastly different emotions.

The brothers pleaded guilty to charges related to robberies and attacks on massage parlours and brothels in Sydney's west in 2007.

Both had also been found guilty of a single count of aggravated sexual assault, having both denied the charge.

A number of victims applauded and yelled "justice has been served" as the brothers stood to leave Parramatta District Court to the sounds of their weeping mother.

Abraham Hzaife, of Woodpark, yelled "go f . . . yourselves" across the court and angrily shouted at a security guard as he tried to speak to his sister.
\In contrast, Ahmed Hzaife, of Merrylands, sat slumped with his head in his hands, wiping away tears.

The court heard the pair had embarked on a week-long crime spree from November 28 to December 5, including a violent robbery on a premises in Seven Hills.

The brothers robbed Ron Adams and his housemate - an erotic masseuse referred to as DW in court to protect her identity - at knife point at their Seven Hills house on November 29.

Each man then raped DW, taking turns to force her to perform sexual acts as they sat on a lounge chair.

Outside court Mr Adams said the sentence was "unsatisfying", but he was pleased to look both men in the eye before they were taken back to jail.

"In the end, what compensation do I get for what they did to me?" he said.

Another victim, who did not want to be named, said justice had been served.

"Two violent criminals are now where they ought to be," he said.

"Anyone who has been a victim of a similar crime should come forward."

Abraham Hzaife had been taking a mixture of ice, cannabis and alcohol during the crime spree.

He was sentenced to 11 years non-parole ending April 28, 2019, with a further four-year parole ending on April 28, 2023.

The pair also robbed victims of cash, mobile phones and a clock radio.

Rape victim's nine-hour ordeal

By Lisa Davies
The Daily Telegraph
August 20, 2009

HE PLAYED the part of a knight in shining armour, offering a 15-year-old girl safety when she could not protect herself.

But that same man turned attacker, leading two of his friends in a horrifying gang rape.

Her three-year fight for justice ended yesterday as a jury found three Zambian nationals guilty of aggravated sexual assault without consent for the attack in August 2006.

The main attacker, Likumbo Makasa, was also found guilty of charges of having sex with a child under 16.

20 8 09 Rape victim's nine-hour ordeal

The chequered history of the matter can now be revealed - there have been two aborted District Court trials and this one, meant to take a month, has lasted well over three months.

Makasa, Tyrone Chishimba and Mumbi Peter Mulenga had pleaded not guilty and faced a trial on a total of 30 charges between them arising out of the incident in Hurstville.

The court heard that the girl, who cannot be identified, had been drinking alcohol with friends when she was met by two of the accused - Makasa and Chishimba - who bought the group bourbon and cask wine.

The teenager passed out drunk in a 7-Eleven store and Makasa offered to take her back to his unit so she would not be picked up by the police.

After they arrived at the unit, police said, Makasa, a married nurse who has been a permanent resident for three years, showed her a hand gun.

The girl told police she was intoxicated and vomited once.

She passed out again and later told the trio that she was still drunk and wanted to sleep.

The court heard that the girl did indeed fall asleep, only to awake to the horror of a man on top of her having intercourse, to which she had not consented, with the other two watching.

All three were found guilty of aggravated sexual assault in company. Makasa faced additional charges for having sex with the underage victim for another nine hours after the other men left his unit. He was found guilty of three of those.

The trial heard allegations that for two hours after the initial assault, the trio repeatedly raped the girl.

However, the jury did not convict them on those charges.

The trio, two of whom have no prior criminal record, face a minimum of 10 years' jail. Judge Graham Armitage remanded them in custody to face court in October for sentencing.


  1. Anonymous2:03 PM

    I was on this jury - and I can tell you this story the papers ran is full of lies and make up stories. There was no gun. They did not drag her back to their place - her friends took her there then left her. And she stayed with the main guy the whole next day. No force or threats were used against her. Sure they were reckless - but monsters - no. They will get their punishment and time in jail for just being bloody stupid. Are they cold hard criminals - I never got that over the 3 months on this trial. I think it's so important for reporters to report the FACTS - not made up crap to garner support for one side. This was a messy case with lies and here-say on BOTH sides.

  2. i know this story is full of lies but why did u find them guilty if you know the truth?

  3. Full of lies yes it was, but i strongly agree with Ann why did u find them guilty if u knew the truth?? i've lost all faith in the Australia system.....

  4. Anonymous4:09 PM

    There are 12 people on a jury and there were over 30 charges against these men. We all had to come to agreement on every single charge. Yes the story is full of lies. Did they 'rape' her - yes - she was not of right mind to agree to sex. Thus they were found guilty on some charges and not others. You must be beyond reasonable doubt to find anyone guilty. Look into it - it's not easy being on a jury.
