

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Ted Kennedy

To my American cousins,I have been watching the adulation heaped upon Ted Kennedy these last few days since he died, boy you guys sure know how to bung on a ‘wake’

I cant imagine what America would have done to honour him in his death had he not been responsible for the death of a young girl who’s scratch marks from her fingernails were found in the hood lining of the  motor vehicle he drove off a bridge into a river in a drunken stupor and managed to escape from, then wait over 24 hours to notify authorities of the “accident”

Ted Kennedy was above all a Humanitarian always on the look out for those who needed help the most … unless of course you were on his root list and he was so pissed he was not able to save you as well as himself after he drove his car off a bridge.

Ted was also a supporter of the Democrats  “Wimmins rights” and an opponent of older drunken male domination of young  girls.

Ted Kennedy, just like his dead brothers, represents all that the Democrat / International Socialism / Feminist Ideology stands for.

If only Mary Jo had of just been washed away, this Democrat Icon and holder of the left’s moral key’s  would have been President of the USA (what a bitch,have her parents prosecuted yet? If no why not?)

I am watching Foxe’s affirmative action correspondent One Williams waxing lyrical over this drunken womanizer and Democrat Icon, Ted Kennedy, claiming he is everything but the cure for cancer.

Son of  Bootlegging IRA financing,Irish Crap, but at least Ted never forgot the pathetic lack of standards he and his party stood for and  was expected to invoke, and he delivered 100% +

God Bless you Ted, for Satan clearly already has.

SHAME on Republicans lining up like lickspittle whipped dogs to praise this piece of SOCIALIST shit, Non Socialist Americans should note their names.

Ted Kennedy is why I started to understand why Christians hate Catholics.

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