

Friday, September 11, 2009

Aussie News & Views & September 11 2001


I have just watched a documentary on the History channel here in Australia on the events of September 11 2001.

It was made up entirely of actual video footage taken by people on the ground in various parts of New York, It was one of the best accounts of that day of Islamic infamy and mass murder.

I will be purchasing a copy of the DVD if it is available while I still can, before the Hussein Obama regime moves to forbid such display or ownership of such records of Allah’s finest doing their best to further the “Religion of Peace” and it’s objectives.The documentary was so good I think that Hussein Obama and his regime and fellow “deniers” be forced to watch it in front of survivors and victims families so that the next time he and his fellow Islam apologists grovel to the King of Saudi Arabia or declare September 12 a party day of community service to his regime they will understand he does such things not out of ignorance of Islam’s savage often stated intent towards Americans,and the Judeo Christian world, he does and says the things he does because that is the true heart of  Messiah Hussein Obama.

I simply want to say that myself and millions of other Australians are thinking of our American friends on the anniversary of that most wicked assault upon humanity,a day where 11 Australians died alongside Americans and indeed people from all over the world.

remember the eleventh

Click either of the images above and below to see the faces of those who died those who survived,those who tried to save them and those who honoured them, how could anyone betray them least of all their President by BOWING to their killers and torturers ?

Well so long as Hussein Obama enjoys his day of “Interfaith Dialogue and  Outreach”



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