

Monday, September 21, 2009

Australia’s “Rich Tapestry of Cultural Diversity” STRIKES again!!!

Woman raped on club courtesy bus, court hears

By Lisa Davies
The Daily Telegraph
September 21, 2009

A WOMAN was allegedly raped twice and "mauled" by a club's courtesy-bus driver, who warned her: "Now I know where you live."

Rooty Hill RSL bus driver Teina Toka, 57, from Quakers Hill, faced Parramatta Bail Court yesterday charged with the sexual assault of a 29-year-old woman.

Police allege the woman was at the club on Friday night with her boyfriend of eight years, with the pair consuming a number of drinks before her partner left because he was tired. The woman told police she stayed to play the poker machines.

Police documents stated that about 4am the woman heard the final call for the courtesy bus - which she had used a couple of times before.

Police alleged that the woman recognised the driver from previous rides but did not really speak to him until she noticed that he was driving the wrong way, but "Toka stated that this was simply another route home".

Police alleged that about 10 minutes later, the woman realised the bus was stopped in a dead-end street and Toka went to the back of the bus and began his vicious assault.

"Toka laughed at one point when (she) was yelling for help, saying: 'There's no one here'," the police documents alleged.

The court heard the woman told officers Toka grabbed her breasts and bit her. She "described this as being mauled," police said.

Toka then allegedly raped the woman twice. Police said the victim feared that he would kill her as nobody knew where she was.

The court heard that Toka then dropped the woman home, allegedly telling her: "Now you know,

I know where you live." He also allegedly said: "So did you have a good time with me tonight?"

Prosecutor Val Short told the court the woman immediately reported the attack and police seized a number of items -

including the woman's underpants and a button from her cardigan - from the courtesy bus.

Ms Short said police had concerns that Toka - originally from New Zealand - would flee the country if granted bail.

He was refused bail until his case returns to court in November.

Maybe when Labor Politicians and their supporters in the “Christian Churches” and Union Movement’s children and wives, sisters and mothers are copping it up the arse,from those they demand be allowed to colonize Australia at all cost, in order to fulfil their obligations to the many and varied United Nations treaties, they and their fellow travellers are ideologically obligated to impose upon the Australian people will they maybe reconsider their evil folly. 

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