

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Kevin 07’s Australia 2009: When Mohammad becomes the Land Lord.


We have a Prime Minister swanning around on the world stage in New York, telling anyone who will listen to him and his media spin doctors,about what a great job he is doing creating a socialist nirvana, or how he and his union pals and financiers  are 'getting the balance right" in his personal serfdom of Australia.

The reality however is far from the media spin,even his governments own PR and ALP ACTU apologists, the taxpayer funded ABC,has gone to air with a scathing indictment on the Kevin 07 Labor governments appalling lack of success "in getting the balance right" for the homeless.

It's indeed ironic that the exert shown in the video below contains footage showing how an Australian and his family are treated by Muslim Immigrant / Refugee slum land lords.
These Muslim immigrants / refugees are the Australian Labor Party's immigrant / refugee of choice.

Since the election of the Kevin 07 Socialist Labor Government in November 2007 the flood gates have been gradually opened to illegal entrants who fly into Indonesia from the middle east , dispose of their documentation,claim they are anybody other than who they are, then jump onto a "refugee boat" and enter Australian waters and immediately claim refugee status which is almost always granted by an obliging UN, Beijing subservient Kevin 07 Labor Government.

For these people there is a never ending bounty to be collected and demanded of the Australian Taxpayer, from free dental services free medical and pharmaceutical,free education, "job training" as if, and a life long entitlement to social security benefits and heavily subsidised welfare housing and utilities.

What happens when Mohammad becomes the Land Lord? what happens when some snivelling Islamic dog who colonizes Australia by stealth by dribbling some sob story of how terrible life is in whatever Islamic shit hole it was he ran away from, is given the opportunity to drag himself out of the manifestations of the belief in Islam and its associated inferior social structures, suddenly finds himself been in control of an Australian and his wife and two children, who find themselves down and out indeed homeless.

Kevin Rudd's Australia 2009.

Kevin Rudd celebrates birthday on US tour

From correspondents in New York

From: AAP

September 22, 2009 2:31AM

KEVIN Rudd has kicked off his 52nd birthday with a breakfast meeting overlooking views of New York's iconic Central Park.

The Prime Minister got down to business with a behind closed doors address to an audience of more than 25 high flying corporate, investment and banking representatives.

The gathering took place on the 42nd floor of the building of private equity partners Kohlberg Kravis Roberts (KKR).

Before the meeting began, Mr Rudd stood with KKR co-chairman Henry Kravis, who explained the history of the park after Mr Rudd remarked that it was his birthday.  "So, it's your birthday? What a great way to start," Mr Kravis said.

Mr Rudd addressed the meeting, which included Pratt Industries chief executive officer Anthony Pratt.

Representatives of ratings agencies, including Moody's, and investment firms JP Morgan Chase, Goldman Sachs, banks and private equity firms were also there.

The night before, Mr Rudd and his wife Therese Rein had a private dinner with Rupert Murdoch and his wife Wendi Deng at the residence of the consul-general.

Later on Monday morning, Mr Rudd will have a meeting with UN Secretary-General Ban Ki Moon before settling down to a round of bilateral meetings for the rest of the day.


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