

Friday, September 25, 2009

Kevin Rudd’s Australia 2009 Australian Defence Bases to be used to house illegal “refugees”

Defence bases to house illegal immigrants

EXCLUSIVE by Steve lewis and Ian McPhedran
The Daily Telegraph
September 25, 2009

SECRET plans are being drawn up to use Defence bases to house an expected surge in illegal immigrants.

The Rudd Government has formed a high-level task force as it braces for an expected influx of boat people.

Government planners expect detention facilities on Christmas Island to be filled in coming months.

The explosive revelations will reinforce community fears that Labor's border protection policies are a magnet for people smugglers.

More than 30 boats have arrived in Australian waters since new immigration laws were introduced just over a year ago.

More than 1600 asylum seekers, many fleeing the resurgent Taliban in Afghanistan and Sri Lanka, have been processed since August last year.

Seizing on the controversial plan, Opposition Leader Malcolm Turnbull called for an "urgent independent inquiry" into the Government's immigration laws.

"Labor has opened the door to people smugglers, so it should be no surprise (there is) a surge in the arrival of boats," Mr Turnbull said.

' The Defence Department confirmed it had been approached to draw up plans to house refugees. It has vacant facilities available across Australia and could, if required, house thousands of illegal arrivals.

"The Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC) has engaged with Defence and other agencies on contingency plans for the accommodation of irregular maritime arrivals," a Defence spokesman said.

The most likely locations for detention would be the old HMAS Coonawarra Navy base at Berrimah in Darwin and the empty Curtin RAAF base in Western Australia.

More proof Rudd’s border protection policies are working.

They come here, the RAN escorts them onto Australian soil,see, policy of Islamic Colonization by stealth is working.

98 More Middle Eastern Labor voters illegally enter Australia off WA Coast.
Kevin 07,immigration & “the hollowness of the pursuit of power before principle.” Sheehan (Nostradamus?) nails Comrade Rudd again.
Kevin 07, Australian Governments Refugee Policies are working… well Kevin 07 did promise to disband our border protection laws before the 2007 Federal election, it was “all about getting the balance right”

2001 - 2002: 23 Boats  3649 illegal's

2002 - 2003: NO Boats

2003 - 2004: Three Boats 82 illegal's

2004 - 2005: NO Boats

2005 - 2006: Four Boats 56 illegal's

2007 - 2008:Three Boats 25 illegal's

Since the scrapping of the previous Howard, Liberal Governments, illegal entrants and Australian Border Protection policy and the  Imposition of Kevin 07's Australian Party "refugee policy"

August 2008 to September 22 09 :  34 Boats 1621 illegal's

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