

Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Updated : Multicultural Australia: 200 Middle Eastern Colonialist Militia hold NSW Police at bay for 4 hours in Sydney’s Occupied Territories.

Angry crowd turns on police in four-hour-standoff

The Daily Telegraph
September 09, 2009 12:28AM

POLICE were pelted with bottles and an officer punched in the face last night when searches on four houses in Sydney's west sparked a four-hour stand-off.

A crowd of more than 150 turned on officers from the as they executed search warrants on homes in Cumberland Rd and Normanby St, Auburn.

As officers entered a house in Cumberland Rd, a large crowd gathered and began taunting police before scuffles erupted.

Officers were forced to use capsicum spray to subdue the angry crowd, with the Pol Air helicopter and the riot squad called in to help. The crowd dispersed about 10pm.

Two men and a woman were last night arrested in relation to the search warrants and were being questioned.

Detective Inspector Michael Reynolds said officers seized two stun guns, a quantity of ecstasy, cannabis, a large quantity of cash, and a handgun.

The injured officer was taken to Concord Hospital where he received four stitches to a facial injury.

This is  pretty tame report compared to live eye reports from non Middle Eastern residents trying to go about their business in the affected suburb.

I will post more when it is available

Stand-off in Auburn
Wednesday, 9 September 2009

A group of Middle Eastern men has been labelled "cowardly" after pelting police with broken bottles during a stand-off in Sydney's west.

The Riot Squad was called in to break up a group of about 200 men who gathered at the corner of Weliington Road and Cumberland Road last night.

It followed raids on three homes by the Middle Eastern Organised Crime Squad, in connection to recent shootings in Sydney's south-west.

During one of the raids nearby residents accused police of injuring a woman as she and two men, aged 17 and 25, were arrested.

A senior police officer was allegedly attacked during the raid, requiring stitches for a cut nose. Locals rallied their friends using mobile phones, with a crowd of 150 gathering within minutes.

Officers called in the riot squad, Polair and the dog squad to try and disperse the aggressive crowd. Speaking to 2GB's Jason Morrison, Detective Superintendent Ken McKay has slammed those who threw bottles at police.

"They're nothing but cowardly criminals who fire up with other young people in the area." Former Police Officer Tim Priest said young men are being pressured into criminal activities by gangs in the area.

"You've got a core group of criminals that are just firing up young blokes who are on the verge of 'will I go the right way or will I go the wrong way'.

"At the moment, they're being pushed towards the wrong way."

So it was the NSW Police’s fault, Pious Muslims are entitled to deal drugs and trade in illegal weapons during  Ramadan without having to worry about been apprehended by those peskie Police type people.

It must be remembered that the suburb of Auburn, in what is now known as Sydney’s occupied territories,fell into the control of the Australian Labor Party sponsored, Islamic Colonialists, some 20 plus years ago,it is normal for Islamist to react the way they did on the evening of 8 9 09, when their illegal activities are seen to be under threat.

The Mullticultural industry has gone into damage control and the usual cabal , un holy alliance of “Muslim Community” spin doctors and their NSW Labor Party apologist are in full swing, by the end of next week don’t be surprised if the Police Officers involved in the execution of their duty are charged with some new crime the ALP is instructed to rush onto the statute books eg “committing a crime against Islamic Sociopaths”

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