

Friday, September 18, 2009

President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad says the Holocaust was a "myth"


Holocaust a myth - Iranian leader

From correspondents in Tehran, Iran
September 18, 2009 6:44PM

IRANIAN President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said the Holocaust was a "myth" as he addressed the annual Quds Day rally in Tehran today, reiterating comments that sparked outrage around the world.

"The very existence of this regime is an insult to the dignity of the people,'' the hardliner said referring to arch-foe Israel.

"They (Western powers) launched the myth of the Holocaust. They lied, they put on a show and then they support the Jews.

"If as you claim the Holocaust is true, why can a study not be allowed?'' the Iranian president

said to chants of "Death to Israel'' from the crowd gathered for the annual display of solidarity with the Palestinians.

"The pretext for establishing the Zionist regime is a lie ... a lie which relies on an unreliable claim, a mythical claim, and the occupation of Palestine has nothing to do with the Holocaust,'' he said.
"This claim is corrupt and the pretext is corrupt.''

I have always believed that the “collective” anti God forces, allow one of their number off the leash from time to time to do their bidding and espouse their true heart on their leftist controlled and constructed world stage.

The “loons” of the left are many, the most infamous these eight years since September 11 2001 are the United Nations and their and the Lefts new best friends, the rabid barking dog mad followers and leaders of the “Religion of Peace”.

Iran’s President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is a mad dog facilitators “perfect storm” he is the west’s fifth column, non resident, mad dog, answerable to no one, feared by many,simply because, like any rabid mad dog no one knows who he will bark at or attempt to bite next.

Recent history has taught him that he has nothing to fear from the west or international public opinion, he swaggers and sways at will,he grins he orders the torture and death of his own people wherever and whenever he feels like it.

He is permitted to walk freely on United States soil and is permitted to spew his hatred for the United States,the west and all things and people not Islamic, he is a LOON at large.

He is the killer of untold dreams and lives,yet the “One” the “Messiah “the man described as been “God Like” by one of his adoring western Liberal media apologist wants to meet with him and talk things over…. like share a joint or a crack pipe maybe?

Islam’s latest rabid mad dog,is well aware that when the most powerful nation in the history of mankind, the United States of America, is led by a leftist media generated “Messiah” who promises everything for America that he himself would like to impose upon it,that he has nothing to fear.

President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad can do and say anything he wants.

Why ? BECAUSE HE CAN,because the Liberal dominated media in the West has allowed and will continue to allow him to do so,President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and the filth he stands for could be eliminated within hours, minutes, of an executive order to do so, but hey why kill one of your best Islamic attack Dogs after all you are on the same side.

Hussein Obama wants the American people to negotiate with a raving lunatic who believes that there is a thing called a Mahdi living in a well, somewhere in Iran and that soon this thing will crawl out of the well and that will be the beginning of the end times.

Whilst middle class Americans and those of other western democracies are working their arses off to keep their homes and put food in their children’s mouths and stay alive, the leader of the free world is making sure he is in sync and is respecting yet another piece of Anti Christ crap, dished up to the free world by the forces of evil, aka. the United Nations and their new best friends the Islamist’s.

How long before these pronouncements,”Holocaust was a myth" etc.made by President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and his co conspirators are adopted by, and given credibility by his ,adoring fans in the western Islamic apologist main stream media and chattering classes?

With the “Messiah” and his co conspirators occupying the white house for however long who knows when, just like the words “the war against terror” “Islamic terror” will the words Adolf Hitler, Holocaust, World War Two,Islamic World Trade Centre attack 1993, September Eleven 2001, USS Cole to name but an INFINITISMAL few be eliminated from the Hussein Obama Saudi financed UN approved regime’s  and indeed the USA’s  lexicon?

The most powerful office on earth shares the same ideology as the most evil, remember that bumper sticker “Hope” well you got it.

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