

Saturday, October 10, 2009

African Witch Doctor praises Hussein Obama’s “Peace Prize”


Tutu praises 'wonderful' choice of Obama
Fri Oct 09 

ARCHBISHOP Desmond Tutu has praised the "wonderful" decision to award US President Barack Obama the Nobel Peace Prize


Hussein Obowma, seen here bowing to his Islamic,Saudi Arabian King,during his now infamous “I hate America too” 2009 world tour.

"It is a very imaginative and somewhat surprising choice. It is wonderful," Archbishop Tutu said.

"He has had a very significant impact. It (his presidency) has changed the temperature and almost everybody feels a little more hopeful about the world," he said.

Archbishop Tutu won the Nobel prize in 1984 for his long battle for a non-violent end to South Africa's apartheid system of racial segregation.

He is still considered as the voice of the nation's conscience and is active in promoting peace  around the world.

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