

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Hasan the Muslim … the Ft. Hood mass murderer


Fox News talking heads are asking how……..

Hasan was able to do what he did.

Why would he and his co religionists in the US Military,NOT feel free to engage in their Religions Satanic manifesto ?, when the commander in chief of the worlds most powerful military force on earth, dictates that Non Muslim Americans,follow his example and bow, roll over, SUBMITT to Islam,rather than reject it,in fact the “Community Organizer in Chief” demands non Muslims Americans RESPECT Islam and what it’s followers have given the world in the name of this thing they, Islamist’s call “allah”.ObamaBowstoSaudiKing 

Hussein Obowma has made it clear by his words and actions as to what “Religion”, “Ideology” “Medievil Cult” he expects Americans to obey and follow.

Americans VOTED for “Change they can believe in” …… now I believe that you can get a FREE koran from CAIR upon request, until you get your copy of same, just remember SATAN Good,God Bad and you too might avoid getting shot to death by one of the President of the United States of America’s ideologues that he DEMANDS that YOU RESPECT….. spsssss I know, I know don’t ask why, just respect it you might live a lot longer if you do……

Or do ya wanna Fight? for not only YOUR life but for that of your Wife,Children,Parents,Brothers, Sisters and Loved ones.

Internment of Muslims, and their facilitators / apologists in the West, combined with Repatriation to an Islamic (cesspool) of their choice is the ONLY answer to the continuation of Judeo /Christian Democracies.

Hussein Obowma’s friends can believe in anything he, and they want to, so long as they are unable, and are prevented from  killing “Americans” (Judeo Christian Western Democracies citizens) who do not.

Islam IS what Islam DOES

Hussein Obama IS what Hussein Obama DOES


The American Commander in Chief,Hussein Obama, bows to the CULT who’s followers are dancing in the streets every time an American is slaughtered by HIS “Religion of Peace” that he Decrees Americans RESPECT. 

A Muslim is in the White House.. God Damn Hussein Obama.

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