

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Alleged Paedophiles arrested with links to Dolly Dunn following victim’s testimony.

Paedophile arrests link to Dolly Dunn

The Daily Telegraph
December 23, 2009

A PROMINENT kids sports instructor and Aussie Rules umpire has been arrested this morning in relation to paedophile offences linked to notorious sex fiend Robert "Dolly'' Dunn.

The man, aged 66, and another man, aged 60, are alleged to have been associates of Dunn.

They were arrested this morning at their homes in Harris Park and Belrose by the Sex Crimes Squad.

Dunn died in Long Bay Prison Hospital in July this year aged 68 from HIV complications

The former school teacher was serving a 20-year sentence for a series of sexual offences against boys in the 1980s and 1990s.


This morning's dramatic arrests follow one of Dunn's victims approaching police and making a lengthy statement naming the two men.

Police will allege among other charges that the 60-year-old procured this victim and supplied him to Dunn.

Both men are facing a raft of charges and are currently being questioned by police at Parramatta and Dee Why police stations.

Dunn's sordid double life was first revealed by the Wood Royal Commission into paedophilia, which uncovered explicit photographs of young boys coerced into sex.

The photos showed boys aged about 10 possibly younger - performing a series of sex acts.

``They're as bad as you could ever expect to see of that kind,'' Justice Wood said at the time.

Too disturbing to be revealed publicly, the photos were shown to journalists in a closed session.

Police had the photos since 1993, but Dunn had still not been charged, forcing then assistant commissioner Alf Peate to agree police efforts had been abysmal.

The commission also revealed a video taken by Dunn and a companion as they travelled the state secretly filming young boys.

Described by Justice Wood as "an evil film", it contained segments shot at Mudgee in the central west, Menangle in Sydney's south west, and on the central coast.

Calling themselves "Jedda" and "Dolly Dunn", the two men film young boys on the street, swimming in a river and fishing from a bridge while dressed only in bathers.

Throughout the film is a commentary of the men referring to the boys as "she" and "it". At Raymond Terrace, north of Newcastle, Jedda zooms in on a group of boys and says: "Look at that little bum going up in the air there now."

Justice Wood said the boys would not have known they were being filmed.

"They are innocent victims of two paedophiles who chose to use a holiday to film them in various locations," he said.

"It's an evil film in the sense that's it's rather frightening to think there are people who would spend their holidays driving filming small boys, and largely from the rear, when they do not know it."

The Commission discovered that of the 440 suspected paedophiles profiled by police Dunn's name was not included.

Some of the best ever work of 60 Minutes Australia,watch the entire video for an insight into how Paedophiles regard their perversion aka. “Boy Love”

Is it just ME,or why am I not surprised that “Dolly” is a School Teacher?


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