

Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Australians 1, Rudd and International Socialism 0


The Australian Senate voted against the Rudd Socialist Labor Government’s Emissions Trading Scheme,ETS.

The People have won this round of Labor’s attempt to drive Australia and it’s people into been just another third world crap hole all in the name of Global Warming,Climate Change or The Weather.

PM Rudd was counting on appearing at the upcoming Copenhagen gab fest waving a piece of paper in the air declaring that Australians are the first to be sacrificed upon the alter of the Anthropogenic Global Warming scam, thereby ingratiating himself to his fellow International Socialists who he had hoped would fall about themselves patting him on the head telling him what a good little Comrade he was.

The fight is not over,however Australians may well be on the way to cutting the chains that have shackled us since the election of the Kevin 07 “I have never been a Socialist” Rudd, Socialist Marxist Union funded Labor Government. 

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