

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Comrade Rudd sneaks back into Australia after his Hoaxenhagen Gabfest Farce,and promises to SCREW Australian’s anyway he can regardless.Calling all BIG People, ADULTS,(Strictly no “Adult Children”) REQUIRED to form an Australian Federal Government.


Rudd and Wong on a climate snow job

By Piers Akerman
The Daily Telegraph
December 22, 2009

EXACTLY which part of the word "failure" can't Kevin Rudd and Penny Wong understand?

Or Professor Tim "Flim" Flannery for that matter?

By any measure, the just-concluded Copenhagen climate conference was a flopperoo of grand proportions.

It was an abject disaster, a dud, a dog, a bust, yet this heroic trio are intent on snowing the public as completely as the weekend's blizzards chilled cities across the northern hemisphere.


Beijing’s man on the ground in Australia,Australian PM Comrade Kevin 07 Rudd (l) seen here with his Doppelganger,and “Climate Change” Minister,Madame Wong (r) seen here reflecting on what might have been if only the Australian people would just give them all their money so they could give it away to their third world despot friends.

Senator Wong boldly told us that we "have to remember that this Copenhagen Accord was negotiated by and supported by the majority of the world's nations, the majority of the world's economy".

Rudd promises to maintain his WAR against


But the reality - a concept alien to Mr Rudd, Senator Wong and Professor Flannery - tells us that the so-called Copenhagen Accord is not only legally non-binding but is effectively meaningless.

This is because the joke United Nations summit, complete with panda-suited fools, didn't "adopt" any motion, it merely "took note" of a range of views.

That's because there was no consensus. Rafts of lawyers can now debate whether there is a UN agreement, or whether the UN climate convention has been killed.

Senator Wong says: "That is what counts and what counts now is getting on with it."

But what, senator, are you getting on with apart from pushing for an all-encompassing emissions tax on Australians?

An emissions tax that will add massively to the cost of living. An emissions tax that will doubtless drive up unemployment. An emissions tax that will send money Australia is currently borrowing to a bunch of African dictators with swelling Swiss bank accounts.

As a blogger commented after watching the Prime Minister's Copenhagen press conference: "Can we have a legally non-binding obligation to pay income tax? Can we have a legally non-binding contract to pay you your prime ministerial salary?

"Non-binding . . . sounds like something an enema would achieve."

As the executive secretary of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change Yvo de Boer said: "It's not an accord that is legally binding, not an accord that pins down industrial nations to targets, not an accord that tells what developing countries will do, or how the money will be divided."

But it was good enough for Mr Rudd, Senator Wong and Professor Flannery. No deal was sealed in the Danish capital, and if history was made, it was because so little was achieved by so many after so much useless jawboning.

The whole thing was propelled by one of the most monstrous scare-mongering propaganda campaigns the world has seen.

Prime Minister Rudd was one of the worst offenders. He was like one of those pesky encyclopaedia salesmen who used to terrify parents that their children had no possible future unless they signed an agreement on the spot to have a complete set delivered (at a substantial cost) over the coming months.

Not only did the Prime Minister proclaim that anthropogenic global warming was the greatest moral issue facing the world today, but he spelled it out in terms of droughts, bushfires, cyclones and the loss of the Great Barrier Reef due to coral bleaching.

Here's a tip for the Prime Minister - check the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority website ), as I have done. You will discover that it reports: "On the basis of seasonal temperature trends, the risk of widespread coral bleaching in the Great Barrier Reef region is currently rated as LOW."

Great news for all Australians!

The site continues: "Overall, reports from the BleachWatch network indicate that the current levels of coral bleaching across the entire Great Barrier Reef are LOW."

Isn't that terrific! Something to celebrate this Christmas.

Next year the same UN circus will travel to Germany, and later to Mexico, collecting more frequent fliers and little shampoo bottles to add to their collections from Kyoto, Bali and Copenhagen.

It is to be hoped the Rudd Government tells us how much this charade has cost ordinary working Australian families.

This will be on top of the amounts we already pay to have representatives attend the UN sessions in New York and Geneva, and will explains why those bureaucrats can't organise meetings on this allegedly critical issue in their spare time in the cities in which they are based.

As Sister Judy Sippel, a member of the order of Sisters of St Joseph of the Sacred Heart, has observed sagely, the news of the canonisation of Mary MacKillop at the weekend offered more than was delivered at Copenhagen after 14 days talking by representatives of more than 190 nations.

"Little difference has been made at Copenhagen," she said. "Yet here is a woman who died in Australia 100 years ago whose influence lives on."

The Rudd Government's determination to press ahead with its damaging global warming tax agenda proves her point.

The extraordinary life led by Mary MacKillop offers hope and inspiration to hundreds of thousands of Australians.

The Copenhagen experience has delivered little but shame.

The money used to facilitate these Socialist’s and their Gabfest, in Copenhagen would have provided FRESH running Water and electricity to EVERY Household in the African country of Mali.

These Green Loons and Enviro Nazi’s obviously don’t believe that the right of mere humans to fresh drinking water and electricity TODAY, is as important as their right to sit around conspiring ways to impose their new International Socialist TAX so that they, as they would have you believe, are able to,amongst other things, set the Worlds temperature’s, and control the seasons in the year 2050,Rudd has, to the best of my knowledge, always had clean drinking water and electricity,even in the worst of his invented “deprived” spin doctor MSM promoted childhood scenario’s.

The Australian Governor General must be petitioned to invoke the Australian Mental Health Act, to remove Rudd and his government ( in a kindly, sensitive,gentle and “environmentally friendly way” of course) from office immediately,he and his ministers are clearly in need of care and suitable treatment for their collective delusional condition.

A federal election must be called and the BIG people,the ADULTS,be called to run for Federal Office.

People who have lived in Australia long enough to be reasonably familiar with the weather patterns,people who understand concepts like Summer,Autumn,Winter and Spring,hot days, cold days,temperate days,windy days,still days,Droughts,Floods,Tsunami’s,Earth Quakes,Volcanoes, snowfalls,no snow falls,Surf’s up and then NO Swell.

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