

Thursday, December 03, 2009

Kevin 07 Rudd the quintessential elitist smart arsed Labor Party Socialist TURD.


Comrade Rudd returns from reporting to Hussein Obama,to the reality of not having his like minded thinker Malcolm Turnbull,no longer leading the Liberal Party.

The best he can do upon his return to what I am sure he sometimes feels is his second home,Australia,is to criticize Mr Abbott’s wearing of his Surf Life Saving swimming costumes (Budgie Smugglers) during a qualifying swim at Queenscliff Beach in Sydney on Sunday.

I can just imagine the smirking Rudd strutting down to the waters edge in his “Boardies” on a visit to the beach,ignorantly jumping into the water in true nerd style, outside of the patrolled area and eventually having to be rescued by someone like Abbott wearing their offensive “Budgie Smugglers”

Rudd has to be the most out of touch,ignorant smart arsed “citizen of the world” Socialist nerd, ever to achieve public office in Australia’s history.

Rudd when was the last time you saw Triathletes, Olympic swimmers and Life Savers wearing “boardies” whilst they engaged in their sport or in the case of the activities of Mr Abbott and his fellow life savers training to save lives of drowning people?

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