

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Rifqa Bary… how long before she becomes yet another victim of the Love of allah?


If you are unaware of the story of Rifqa Bary then educate yourself, become aware of the “Love of allah / Islam” and it’s bounty.

Rifqa Bary’s abusive brother arrested

This Girl has, based on past exprience a limited life expectancy,she has rejected the “Religion of Peace” will America let her become yet another victim of Islam? time is running out.

I live in a very un Islamic un allah (thank GOD) part of Sydney Australia, there are many men and women like Rifqa here,in hiding for their lives from the Love of allah/Islam.

So next time the “Multiculturalist” aka. Labor’s “Religionist’s of choice”, Islamist’s, move in next door or down the street remember Rifqa Bary, and what you can expect in your neighbourhood sooner than later, courtesy of the Australian Multicultural Industry and the Australian Labor Party.

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