

Sunday, December 06, 2009

Spain: Pious Muslims defend Islamic Honour and follow “Islamic Law”


'Men sought to kill woman for adultery in Spain'

Daily Telegraph
December 06, 2009 11:00PM

SPANISH police have arrested nine men suspected of seeking to have a woman killed after they accused her of adultery, claiming they were following Islamic law, authorities said.

The men were arrested on November 14 and seven have been held in jail, a police spokesman said.

According to police, the woman had been taken in March and held in an isolated house in Valls in northeastern Catalonia.

Authorities say the men set up a court there to judge her for adultery.

"These men had formed a kind of court to apply (Islamic) sharia law,'' the spokesman said, adding the woman told authorities she was tried and sentenced to death.

She was later able to escape and report what happened to police.

These Godless Swine should simply be put down, like the rabid mindless Dogs that they are.

They, like their ideology, the Religion Of Peace, aka. Islam, serve no useful, peaceful or civilizing purpose to mankind, and as such should be removed from the gene pool.

It is a waste of time dealing with these Islamic Savages who live in Judeo Christian Democracy’s and applying OUR legal and moral code to them when they simply behave in the way they are bound to behave by their cults Terror Manual, the Koran.

The Lefts Multicultural “all Cultures / Religions are equal” useful idiots really have a lot to answer for,bring on the Treason Trials NOW.

Disarmament + Internment + Deportation = a Peaceful Muslim Free Spain.

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