

Friday, December 04, 2009

United Nations “Rat with a Gold Tooth”Lectures Australian’s on Illegal Middle Eastern Entrant’s and Aboriginal welfare.


Gee thanks Arse Hole,Australians were just hanging out wondering what the F**K the  United Nations, aka. Terror Inc. wanted us to do about Illegal Entrants from the Middle East and Aboriginal life long welfare.

I am sure that you are, like the Australian Prime Minister,Kevin Rudd delighted that his “policies are working” as in the 51st ILLEGAL “Refugee” boat has been escorted into Australian waters by the RAN or HMCS to Christmas Island where the passengers will be “processed” and after a very short time courtesy of Kevin 07 and the Australian Labor Party be granted permanent residence in Australia, ie. free medical , housing , chemist, dental and life time social security not to mention free education for themselves and their children.All the while they are encouraged via the socialist Labor Party’s Policy of Cultural Diversity and Multiculturalism, to plot the downfall of Australia at every opportunity and not to forget reminded at every opportunity who to VOTE for, ie. The UN friendly Australian Labor Party, led by Kevin 07 “I have never been a Socialist” Rudd and funded by the Marxist,Australian Council of Trade Unions, ACTU.

PISS OFF YA FUCKING BUM, Go back to New York or whatever WESTERN Judeo Christian Democracy it is you HIDE out in, whilst you plot the downfall of your HIDE OUT.

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