

Saturday, January 02, 2010

Danish Police shoot Muslim Assassin, sent to kill Kurt Westergaard.


Danish cops shoot man at cartoonist's home

From correspondents in Copenhagen
Daily Telegraph
January 02, 2010

DANISH police shot and wounded a man who tried to enter the home of Kurt Westergaard, who drew controversial cartoons of Islam's Prophet Mohammed, Danish security sources said.

The security sources said the man was close to radical Somali Islamists.


One of the Cartoons that members of the “Religion of Peace” aka.Islam,demand,cartoonist Kurt Westergaard,be assassinated for creating. 


The Danish cartoonist, who has received several death threats since a Danish newspaper four years ago published his drawing featuring Mohammed wearing a turban in the shape of a bomb, was at home in Viby near the western city of Aarhus when the 27-year-old and two others tried to get in, daily Politiken reported online.

Guards repulsed the three intruders as security alarms were set off.

The wounded man was hospitalised.

Denmark's Ritzau news agency said a dozen police vehicles were at the scene while sappers were sent in to look for a bomb that may have been laid.

Contacted by AFP, Jutland police confirmed an incident near the home of the 74-year-old cartoonist but refused to give details pending the release of a statement later.

Westergaard is one of 12 cartoonists whose drawings of the Muslim prophet were first published in Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten in September 2005, sparking controversy among Muslims worldwide.

The 12 cartoons were considered offensive by many Muslims and their publication sparked violent protests worldwide in January and February 2006.

Demonstrators burned Danish flags in protests that culminated in February 2006 with the torching of Danish diplomatic offices in Damascus and Beirut and dozens of deaths in Nigeria, Libya and Pakistan.


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