

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Hitler Islam’s new Sociopath


The cosy relationship between the Nazi’s and Islam’s leaders during WW2 is well known,Muslims were then and are to this day, still aligned with the Nazi ideology it’s a love affair that has withstood the the last 65 years with Islam carrying the torch for their long dead and latest “Prophet” Adolf Hitler under the cover of been a “Religion” as opposed to their previous persona,the Nazi Party,The National Socialist German Workers' Party.

The lid has just been blown off yet another Islamic, Hitler / Nazi enterprise.


“November 28, 1941, The Mufti meets with Hitler in Berlin, this was reported by the
German News Agency on December 7, 1941, the same day Japan attacked the United
States at Pearl Harbor. They wrote that the Mufti was, “Received by Herr Hitler. Foreign Minister von Ribbentrop was also present.”30
• November 28, 1941, Hitler had a long conversation with the Mufti of Jerusalem. Hitler explained, the countries of Europe were being emptied of Jews one by one; at the
appropriate time this would be extended to what Hitler called “non-European countries.”



At the eve of the "final solution" to the "Jewish Problem", 
the Mufti (Yasser Arafat's father's brother) and Adolf Hitler confer
in Berlin, November 21, 1941


Then and NOW

For the sake of learning from history so that we may get an insight into what the future will / may bring us if we do not take steps to prevent evil from gaining the upper hand again, please go to the brilliant Pamela Geller’s Atlas Shrugs  for the latest in this unfolding expose of Islam and Hitler’s on going love affair.

Carl Jung: "We do not know whether Hitler is going to found a new Islam. He is already on the way; he is like Muhammad. The emotion in Germany is Islamic; warlike and Islamic"

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